What Red X did

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"I hate to end your little celebration, but this isn't over quite yet." Red X said rising. "Red X give it up dude." Beast Boy said aggravated. "You will never have me. I am a not a thing. I am a living girl. Girls are not pawns and this isn't a game. I am Robins what you call 'girlfriend' and I will always be." Starfire said innocently. "Hopefully not always, one day something of forever commitment." Robin said smiling. "I'll be back Titans." Red X said as he appeared behind Blackfire and disappeared with her. "Oh no." Beast Boy gasped. "No it's fine BB. He won't be getting back in I had Bee make sure of that and for now we can go on as usual but still try to put him behind bars." Cyborg said patting Beast Boy's hat then walking out. " He's right we need to just relax for the next couple of days and try to cope with all this. Have fun or whatever." Raven said not sounding very fun. "Come on babe!" Beast Boy yelled grabbing Raven's hand and running with her out of the room. "Robin, May we go to your room?" Starfire asked tiredly. "Yes Star." Robin said picking her up and walking to his room. He laid her down on the bed and then took his shirt off. He climbed into bed and put her in his arms. "The thing you said referring to marriage, did you truly mean that dear Robin?" Starfire asked. "Yes Star one day I do want to marry you. I just feel we need time babe." Robin answered stroking her side. Starfire looked up at Robin and began slowly kissing his neck. Robin moved Starfire on top of him and grabbed her face and lead it to his lips. They kissed until slow became fast. Starfire skimmed her hand on Robin's bare abs and then put them back on his neck to pull him in as close as she could get. "Star?" Robin pulled back and put his hand on her face. "Yes dear Robin?" Starfire answered and kissed his cheek. "Nevermind it's not the right time." Robin said and they left it alone and resumed kissing. Robin could hardly control himself, but the only thing he kept in his mind was Starfire. He needed to respect her. Starfire began to cry. "What's the matter Star?" Robin asked hugging her tight. "Red X grabbed me like that." She answered and Robin looked down to see he had his hands gripped on her skirt. "I'm so sorry Starfire I didn't.... Wait he grabbed you!? What happened?" Robin asked lividly pissed. "I was chained to the wall on something which didn't let me use my power. He walked over to my destination in the room and he grabbed me like so. He whispered things in my ear which were unpleasant coming from him. They were the what you call on this planet 'sexual' and very vivid. After this occurrence he stripped me off my clothes and made me press against him while me kissed my shoulder. He did not perform the intercourse because someone was knocking on the door." Starfire barley got that out before she began to sob. She has been holding this in since the second time she was taken. "Star..." Robin said as he let her cry on him, and took his cape off to put around her. After hours of him holding her, and of her crying Robin laid Starfire down. "I know your tired Star. Get some rest I'll be back." Robin said and Starfire nodded. She laid down and was asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.
"X!" Robin yelled through the screen Red X usually showed up on. "Robin!" Red X yelled back as his face appeared. "I heard what you did to Starfire!" Robin yelled back. "Oh yea, HA, that was fun." Red X laughed. "You meet me outside of the city in ten minutes, alone." Robin said angry and took off on his motorcycle.
"Hey there boy wonder." Red X said laughing. "You touched her." Robin said through gritted teeth. "I did more than that." Red X laughed. "I know what you did! You are not getting away with it X!" Robin yelled livid. "Oh really?" Red X asked seriously. Robin threw him up against a tree. "Really." Robin spat in his face. Red X then pushed him off and to the ground. Robin quickly got on his feet and punched him and he fell to the ground. Red X then used one of his Xs and pinned Robin to a tree. Robin grabbed one of his weapons from his belt and cut loose. Robing pushed his weight off the tree and tackled Red X. He started punching Red X furiously. Red X passed out and was badly hurt. Robin carried him to the police department and turned him in.
"I finished it." Robin said walking in to the tower. "Finished what dude?" Beast Boy asked. "Red X is behind bars.

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