Still No Sign

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"Don't call me that. It's not my name. I went through this with the other Teen Titan." Terra said angry. "I'm sorry. It's how we remember you." Robin said helping Starfire up. "Look, I'm just a normal student at a party leave me alone." Terra said walking to the kitchen. When she walked to the kitchen the rest if the titans walked in. "Try not to let Beast Boy or Raven know." Robin whispered to Starfire. "Terra is here." Red X laughed as he awoke. "Competition Raven? I mean I know he loved her maybe he still does." Red X laughed. "Shut up." Raven said tearing up. "Terra isn't Terra anymore. She don't remember. I'm over her." Beast Boy said hugging Raven. "I know. like I got over her failing as my apprentice and now I have Red X. Did you think he got out without help?" Slade said. "Slade." Robin said angry. "Maybe I should give Terra her memory and see if Beast Boy will leave you Raven." Red X laughed. "It don't matter if you do or not that does not change that I love Raven." Beast Boy snarled. "I love you." Beast Boy told Raven to assure her. "Alright as much as I love this love triangle. I have my own love triangle to handle. I can't see why Red X wants Starfire but as long as it gets me what I want. To end the Titans." Slade said acting casual. "Stay away from her." Robin yelled stepping in front of her. "Here's the deal birdy. Give me Star and you can continue your group or keep her and you have to end the group." Red X said. "If we give her up, which I will never, the group would fall apart anyways and not giving her wouldn't end the group." Robin said taking Starfire's hand. "Don't make dumb deals. Give us Starfire we won't kill Terra. Give us Starfire we will restore Terra's memory and return her." Slade said hitting Red X in the back if the head. "Star." Robin whimpered. "No. Don't touch Terra." Beast Boy yelled. Raven let a tear roll down at hearing how Beast Boy reacted. "Beast Boy?" Terra said tumbling in. "Terra?" Beast Boy asked. "I remember." She said hugging him. He hugged back and then opened his eyes to see Raven crying and running out. "Raven!" Beast Boy called after her. "Beast Boy, what is going on?" Terra asked putting her hand on his shoulder. "Beast Boy, you really messed up. You need to straighten things out. Make a choice don't hurt her more. I know you have feelings for Terra." Robin said. Beast Boy looked at Terra and took off out the door. "Well on that note." Red X said and he and Slade vanished. "What is going on?" Terra asked throwing one hand up. "Beast Boy and Raven are doing the what you call dating." Starfire answered. "I kinda figured he would find someone." Terra said a looked down. "Despite what has happened your still a titan and welcome back to the tower." Cyborg said placing a hand on Terra's shoulder.
As they arrived at the tower neither Beast Boy or Raven were there. "Beast Boy, Raven. Come in." Robin said on his communicator. Beast Boy was at the fair grounds where he took Terra. "I can't believe I did this. I dreamed Terra would come back. Things have changed now that I have Raven, but I know I have feelings for Terra. I can't hurt Raven. I have to figure it out before I mess it up with her. What if I love Terra? No, you can't say that. What can I do? Terra was my first love. I don't know what to do. I love Raven. I really do." Beast Boy said to himself passing back and forth. "Beast Boy where are you?" Beast Boy heard Robin on his communicator and answered. "Fair grounds what's going on?" Beast Boy asked worried about the girls. "Raven is missing." Robin said. Beast Boy's heart dropped. "What's the plan?" Beast Boy asked holding back tears. "It's my fault." He thought. "You know her best look for her. We all are." Robin said as Beast Boy ran off as a cheetah.
The night past and still no sign of Raven.

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