What Have We Done?

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"What have we done?" Raven asked Beast Boy in a whisper. "Nothing. I walked in on your little smooch feast and she had to use the restroom. we were careful not to disturb you." Cyborg chuckled walking back in. "Great." Raven said sarcastically and sat back down. She huffed and rolled her eyes as Beast Boy looked down at her lovingly without her noticing. "Well I have this shift y'all are good to go. Y'all go get some rest." Cyborg said. Raven got up and Beast Boy followed. "What about your patrolling with Bee?" Beast Boy asked stopping at the door. "Kid Flash and Jinx are filling in for us. Other honorary titans are helping as well." Cyborg answered. As the couple walked out Speedy walked back in. "What did I miss? I had to... ya know." Speedy chuckled at his own remark. "Not much." Cyborg laughed. "Adena you okay?" Speedy asked over the intercom. "Yea I'm fine." She said not sounding promising. Speedy gave her a knowing look and headed out the door to go join her. "I'll unlock the door." Cyborg said rolling his eyes jokingly.
"Hey, how's it going." Speedy said trying to sound jokingly cool. "Nothing happenin what's shaking?" She joked back. Though she joked she didn't smile. "When do I get to see you smile again?" Speedy asked seriously. "I don't know, Speedy." Adena said this so depressingly it shook him. "I won't let anything happen." He said assuring her and feeling sympathetic. "I know." She said looking at him whole hearted.
*So sorry this is a short chapter, but everyone needs to go check out my new story Utopian Nightmare.*

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