Bad Dreams

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The Titans all rushed to the old hotel to find Control Freak working on some sort of weapon. "Well, since you guys made it hard to regain my strength I might as well make myself untouchable." Control Freak said as he glared at Raven. "Dude, as if we can't get to you! I bet...." Before Beast Boy could finish his sentence Control Freak blasted him which knocked him back but Beast Boy transformed into a T Rex and knocked Control Freak over and he slid across the floor ten feet before he could get up. Raven looked at Beast Boy and said sarcastically "Smooth, good job you irritated and became the first victim." Robin rolled his eyes at what was simply flirting but Raven keeps her feelings closed so her emotions won't run wild. Starfire was inflamed at Control Freak because she knew he was the cause of her boyfriend's trouble. She began throwing star bolts and then used her strength to throw a volt near her at him. Robin pulled out his staff and began battling Control Freak with his weapon. Cyborg then used his blaster and hit Control Freak in the side and Beast Boy transformed into a ram and hit him into the wall. Raven then took this opportunity to hit him so she used her power to slam him deeper into the wall. The all the sudden he vanished. They were all startled and then after seeing he was gone they headed back to the tower.

It was dark when they were home and they all headed to bed. At midnight Raven screamed and Beast Boy rushed in her room and ran to the side of her bed and asked her a question firmly. "What's wrong Rae?" Raven looked at Beast Boy then spoke shaking. "I'm alright just bad dreams." Beast Boy nodded then began to walk out but still worried about her but before he could get to the door Raven cleared her thought and called out to him. "BB, will you stay with me?" Without a second to spare Beast Boy got on the empty side of her bed and moved her onto his chest. "So BB huh?" He said jokingly. Raven just smiled then came closer to him. "Rae?" Beast Boy asked without his joking tone. "Yes?" Raven asked with a pinch in her tone. "I just wanted to tell you that no matter what has happened lately I don't regret what happened the other day. I love you and want to be with you. If you don't wanna be with me I understand..." Beast Boy couldn't finish his sentence because Raven kissed him smoothly and soft. Raven eventually feel asleep in his arms and it seemed he chased the bad dreams away.

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