Plans and Dates

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"Beast Boy!" Raven shouted from the living room. "Raven! Are you okay what happened!?" Beast Boy said as he rushed to Raven laying on the couch. "I'm sorry, I had a bad dream." Raven said as she steadied herself on Beast Boy. "What was it? Why did you wake screaming for me? Not that I mind cause you know how I feel but, why?" Beast Boy said brushing his thumb over her cheek. "I had a dream we were in battle and you got hurt, bad. I awoke when your line went dead." Raven said as she tried to hold I tears but one slipped across her cheek. "I'm here, it's okay now I've got you." Beast Boy said as he took her in his arms. After they got up Cyborg came in whistling. "Good Morning guys how about some breakfast?" Cyborg said happily. "I see someone is happy about their date tonight." Robin chuckled as he entered the kitchen. "Oh he was happy, I couldn't tell." Raven said with a half sarcastic grin. "Anyone seen Starfire?" Robin said as he reached in the fridge for some juice. "She hasn't waken up yet." Beast Boy said as he ran into the kitchen and started making tofu dishes. "Morning friends and boyfriend what a glorious day this is!" Starfire said as she flew in the room twirling. "Someones happy." Raven said as she opened her book. "I asked if she would come to the movies with me tonight, she's excited cause she's never been." Robin said looking at Starfire. "What time?" Beast Boy asked. "About the same time Cyborg heads out." Robin said walking over to Starfire and kissing her good morning. Beast Boy was happy knowing that he would get the tower to himself and Raven, he could get her alone. "Titans we will not ignore the current situation tomorrow we start plans and training." Robin said as he and Starfire walked and sat on the couch.

Later on that night. "Does this look okay?" Robin asked Cyborg as he turned to have on black jeans and a red t shirt which looked so classy on him. "Nice man." Cyborg said as he polished his armor. As they finished they walked and sat on the couch to wait on the girls. Then someone began to knock on the door. "That's for me." Cyborg said rushing to the door knowing it was his date. "Hey Cy." Bumble Bee said smiling. She was wearing a yellow dress and her hair was in a ponytail. "You look stunning!" Cyborg said amazed. Bumble Bee just giggled and sat down beside him. "Raven helped me dress I look pleasant. Yes?" Starfire asked as she stepped out with a pretty dark pure dress, sleeveless with a sparkled top. "Yes you look beautiful, really amazing." Robin said as he took her hand. "Guess it's just us." Beast Boy said as he smiled at Raven. "No kidding." Raven said jokingly. Beast Boy couldn't help himself he walked to Raven set down her book. "Hey, what did you do that..." Raven began but didn't finish as Beast Boy grabbed her and pulled her up to him and looked her straight in the eyes and passionately kissed her hard. He knew this was risky, he is running off instincts, he has to be careful. He then turned them both still kissing with his back toward the couch. He then say down and brought her on top. "Beast Boy..." Raven said shakily. He looked in the eye and began to stroke her hair. "I promise I won't let this go too far. Please just let me show you that I really do love you." Beast Boy asked sounding like if she didn't he would break into pieces. She nodded and leaned back into his kiss. It wasn't long until he bang kissing hard again. He held her kissing as he slowly laid down with her on top and kissed her harder. Raven didn't refuse, she was kissing back harder and passionately.

Mean while at the park Cyborg and Bumblebee were walking side by side down the walkway. "I'm having a great time." Bumblebee said as she gave him a grin. "Me too." Cyborg said as he reached for her hand. They walked hand in hand and came upon a bridge over the water. "Oh how beautiful Cyborg!" Bumblebee shouted as she looked at the pond in amazement under the moon. "Not compared to you." Cyborg said trying to be smooth. "Oh really?" Bumblebee said sounding even smoother. Cyborg said nothing but winked at her and they both busted into laughter. "Real smooth Cy." She said through laughter. "It comes natrually. Don't even try half the time." Cyborg said using his free hand to make a hair flipping motion. After walking for a few minutes Cyborg stopped and looked at Bumblebee. "Do I have to honor of calling you my girlfriend." Cyborg said looking hopeful. "Yes, the honor is yours." Bumblebee said as she kissed his cheek. Cyborg stopped in his tracks. "Who are you?..."

Robin what is this?" Starfire said poking the attendant. "Star, that's a person, the attendant." Robin said trying not to laugh. As they walked to get some snacks Starfire seemed to be amazed by everything. As they got to the counter she pressed her face against the popcorn maker. "Oh how whimsical!" Starfire said with enthusiasm. Robin laughed and grabbed her hand to lead her to his side. "What would you like to drink?" Robin asked her. "The brown one! It reminds me of the gorthons of my planet." Starfire said pointing at the coke machine. "We will have one large popcorn, a medium coke, and a medium root beer." Robin said as he watched Starfire fly up to look at the concession sign. "Here you go sir that will be 10.38." The attendant said as he gave Robin the food. "Come on baby." Robin said as he gave the man money and took the food in his hands and walked to the theater. "Again, what is this movie called?" Starfire asked. "The Man in the Red Mask." Robin said but paused before he continued. "It's a scary movie." He finish as he slid up his arm rest so he could move closer. "Are you sure this big screen will not fall on us, you are positive this isn't dangerous?" Starfire asked clinging to him. "Yes Star it's safe, plus I'm here." Robin said as he slid his arm over her shoulder. The movie began and it was not scary at first then it began to heat up. "Ahhhh!" Starfire screeched high pitched as she got closer to Robin almost on him. Robin smiled at her as she clung to him. "It's okay, I've got you, it's not real." Robin said as he wrapped his arms around her. They sat that way the rest of the movie. "Starfire?" Robin said while nothing important was happening in the movie. "Yes?" She asked but only to get stopped by a kiss. "I love you." Robin said surely. "I love you too Boyfriend." Starfire said as she leaned into another kiss. *buzz buzz*. Robin's communicator went off. "If it's important he will try again, it's Cyborg he probably didn't mean to." Robin said as he ignored the buzz. His communicator went off again. "One second baby." Robin said as he walked outside. "Robin! Red X just showed up at the park I held him off until he took off and said he was after Starfire! he knows were y'all are and is not far if not there!" Cyborg yelled. Robin realized he left Starfire in the movie. "Starfire!" Robin muttered in a yell as he ran back to the movie. "Ya know cutie Robin isn't here and it's my chance to give you a little kiss. Where is boy wonder now?" Red X said as grabbed Starfire's neck about to kiss her while she was pinned in a x with Control Freak's electrical waves in them hurting her. "I right here, get your hands off of her!" Robin yelled as he ran at him. "Robin!" Starfire screamed in pain. "Save that kiss for later sweetheart, little bird is here." Red X said as he jumped to the floor. "Touch her again and it will be the last thing you do!" Robin warned as they began to battle. "You always gotta ruin my moments with cutie don't you?" Red X said smirking. "Those are not you moments X! That is my girlfriend!" Robin yelled as he knocked him off his feet. "Your not good at sharing." Red X said laughing. "I don't have to, she's mine!" Robin yelled as he hit Red X so hard he bent over in pain. "Ahh! Robin!" Starfire yelled louder in pain. "Starfire!" Robin yelled back and jumped up and cut her loose. He caught her and she fainted in his arms, seriously hurt. "Oh no, I hope my sweetheart will be okay!" Red X said sarcastically on his feet now. Robin got furious. "She's not your anything! She's mine! This is your fault!" He yelled as they began to battle. "You left her alone, some fault is yours, you shouldn't have left her, anything could have happened." Red X said trying not to get hit. Robin knew this was true. He hit him one last time before he suddenly dissapered. "Dudes! What is happening?!" Beast Boy yelled as he busted through the door with Raven behind. "She needs medical help, fast her inside was shocked as well. She needs treatments and stitches a lot more." Raven said as she turned to the door to see Cyborg standing there. "Come on let's get her back I have a plan."

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