Cyborg's Date

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"Oh Friend Cyborg! You are going to have a rather enjoyable time with Bumblebee! What a joy, you are trying to maintain a relationship with her, yes?" Starfire asked with joy. Cyborg rolled his eyes and continued to shine his metal. "Cyborg likes Bumblebee!" Beast Boy chanted as he skipped around the room. Robin laughed and stared at Starfire as she endlessly tried to make Cyborg look date ready. "He looks fine Star, come here." Robin said through a laugh. She made one last adjustment and flew over to where Robin was sitting and sat on his lap. Raven then used her powers to trip Beast Boy as he was skipping around. "Hey!" Beast Boy said as he sighed and tried to get up but kept tripping himself. Cyborg looked at all the excitement around the room and couldn't help but smile. "As much as I love watching you all, I really do but I have a prior engagement." Cyborg said as he chucked and left with a wink at Beast Boy and Robin.

When Cyborg arrived at the diner to see Bumblebee flying ahead. She landed in front of him with a smile on her face. "Speedy gave me a hard time about this but I'm here." Bumblebee said giggling. "Oh well then I guess you deserve to get dessert then." Cyborg said chuckling. They walked in the diner and were immediately stared at. Not everyday you see two heroes on a date, one half bee and the other half machine. They talked, laughed, and ate for the next hour. "Maybe, would you like to go to the park?" Cyborg asked hopefully. "I am really sorry but I have to get back for training, those idiots can't handle themselves. How about tomorrow?" Bumblebee asked with a pinched tone. "Pick you up at six?" Cyborg asked as she nodded and flew away.

"How did it go Cy?" Beast Boy asked making mocking lovey eyes. Cyborg rolled his eyes and laughed. "Oh please, just tell us. I think Beast Boy is about to explode." Raven said from behind her book. Starfire flew in dragging Robin by the hand. "You had a fantastic time, you wowed her with your looks, and she looked pretty! Yes?" Starfire asked hopefully. "I did have a good time, she seemed to like me, and yes she looked great." Cyborg laughed as he spoke. "Nice job Cyborg, I knew it would work out." Robin said as he laid his hand on Cyborg's shoulder smiling. "Cyborg simply laughed as he looked over at Beast Boy. "We have a date at six tomorrow if you don't believe she's into me BB." Cyborg laughed. Robin grabbed Starfire by the waist and lead her in front of him and put his arm around her. "We all are happy for you but I think it's time to train. Robin said as he smiled at Starfire.

As they walked into training Robin set up different troubles and Cyborg downloaded them to put them on the main frame so they could train. As they began to train Starfire shot first at the monster they created to battle. The titans all rushed into combat. In combat Starfire saw the Robin was about to get swung on so she zoomed and pushed him out of the way only to get hit herself. "Starfire!" Robin yelled as he ran to her and picked her up. Beast Boy finished off the monster then him and the others rushed over. "She needs medical help." Raven said as she lead them all to the emergency health room. Starfire was out cold. Robin carried her and stared at her in worry. "She will be okay won't she?" Robin asked Raven. "She's alive, she will need a couple days but she is pretty bad. I honestly don't know how this will go but I know how to treat it." She answered then looked at Cyborg. "I will help, I know some treatments." He assured Robin. They injected her neck with a syringe. "This is all we can do on the first day, we will get back tomorrow." Raven said as she and the others except Robin headed toward the door. "You coming dude?" Beast Boy asked. "No, I am staying with her. Go ahead." He stayed with her all day until he fell asleep and Beast Boy turned into a Gorilla and carried him to his room.

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