The Better Fighter

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"Robin, movement in Star's room." Cyborg said to Robin in the room that looks down on the containment unit. Robin got up and they all but Star ran to the room. "What's that?" Beast Boy asked and looked at Starfire's communication screen. Cyborg lookrd and read it out loud. "'Hello Titans you'll never guess who I'm buddies with. By the way I'm in the tower'. He's bluffing there is no way he's in he just sent it through his cave computer program." Cyborg said. "AHHHH!" Starfire yelled from the unit. "STAR!" Robin yelled as he took off toward the room and everyone followed. As Robin burst in the door he looked to see Red X holding Starfire with one of his X's around her. "Robin!" Starfire yelled but Red X shot a x on her mouth. "Let her go!" Robin yelled lividly mad. "Oh Robin calm down she will make a nice sidekick and maybe even girlfriend." Red X said laughing. "SHE IS MINE LET HER GO! HURT HER AND YOUR DEAD!" Robin yelled running at Red X but getting hit with a star bolt. "How sweet Robin you know that could be me." Blackfire said as she walked out of the corner. "Well we know who the friend is." Raven said mad. "Well isn't it wicked witch of Jump City." BlackFire said as she threw a star bolt bolt but Raven moved away from it and they began to battle. Beast Boy joined Ravens fight and Cyborg went to Robin. "I don't see why your even with the little green thing it's so pathetic." Blackfire laughed. "That little green thing is my boyfriend and I love him!" Raven yelled and knocked Blackfire against the wall. "I love you too." Beast Boy smiled and turned to keep fighting. "I don't even see why Star or Blackfire like you birdie. I mean you can't even protect the one you got." Red X laughed. "I am and will protect her. I am not Blackfire's I am Star's and she's mine not yours." Robin said as he pulled out his fighting pole. "Woah there boy wonder I do have your little Star." Red X said holding her in front of him. "Put her down!" Robin yelled. Starfire looked at Robin with the saddest face and began to cry. "Star." Robin said longingly. "Isn't that sweet but I think I'll take her now." Red X said laughing harder now. "SHE IS MINE." Robin yelled with a tear down his face. "Let her go and we will let go of yours." Beast Boy said as Raven held her with her powers. "Have her for all I care. I want Star." Red X said rubbing Starfire's arm. "X!" Blackfire yelled angry. Red X just laughed and walked backward not knowing Cyborg moved behind him. Cyborg hit his head and he passed out. Starfire fell with him but Robin grabbed her, took the Xs off, and kissed her passionately and for a long time. When he pulled away he hugged her tightly in his arms. "Robin." Starfire moaned through his shirt. "Robin why do you want her?! Do you not see me I am the better sister! Me!" Blackfire yelled behind Raven's magic. "She is my everything. To me there is no one better. I love Starfire. She's beautiful inside and out." Robin said as he held her tighter which didn't seem possible. "Sister, why do you wish to steal my boyfriend and send me off with Red X?" Starfire asked still on Robin. "Do you not remember putting me in jail and then taking my crown!" Blackfire yelled. "Do you not recall trying to frame me and trying to make me marry the splurge!" Starfire yelled back now with glowing eyes. "You used to be the better fighter but do you not remember me defeating you even with the Jewel sister?" Starfire said coming closer to her in closed sister. "Oh please try again and see what happens!" Blackfire yelled with purple glowing eyes. "Release her friend Raven." Starfire said with glowing eyes and star bolts at hand. Raven questioned her but released her. Blackfire tackled Starfire and punched her. Starfire used the star bolts from her eyes and got her off and slammed her in a wall while hitting her with star bolts. Blackfire rolled over and pushed Starfire down. Starfire sprung back up and slammed Blackfire threw the wall and hit her with star bolts. Blackfire sat hurt until she hit Starfire with a star bolt and knocked her on the wall but Starfire landed against the wall on her feet and just sprung off and tackled Blackfire and kicked her in the face while she was in the air. Starfire then stood over her and hit her in the face with a star bolt and knocked her out cold. Starfire looked around to see her friends amazed at her fight. "Star that was outstanding!" Robin said as he ran and hugged her. "Our girl can handle herself!" Cyborg said patting Starfire's shoulder. "Good job Starfire." Raven said holding Beast Boy's hand. "Yea Star you go girl." Beast Boy said trying to be funny but Cyborg and Raven hit him in the head. "I am not as defenseless as I look to be." Starfire said confidently as she kissed Robin.

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