Truth or Dare

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"It is truly a joyous time that all of our friends are together!" Starfire said happily. "Yes it is." Robin smiled at her and sat down on the couch next to her. "Are the troubles gone?" Starfire asked innocently. "I hope so Star." Robin said putting his arm around her. "Me too." Cyborg said sitting in between them annoyingly. Starfire and Robin gave him quizzical looks then Starfire flew to the other side of Robin. "Well I was trying not to third wheel." Cyborg laughed. "Cy you can't avoid it." Robin laughed back. "Hey dudes." Beast Boy said walking in with Raven behind him holding his hand. "Glad to have y'all back. Were a team again." Cyborg said and got up. "How about some victory food?" Cyborg asked jumping to the kitchen. "Yea I'll cook it." Raven said sarcastically. "NO!" Everyone yelled simultaneously. "A joke." Raven said sitting down and cuddling up under Beast Boy's arm. "How about some video games?" Beast Boy asked hopefully. "Sure." Robin answered setting it up. "You're going down." Beast Boy said challenging him. "Not if I can help it." Robin said giving him a controller and starting the game. "Friend Raven, would you like to play the truth or dare?" Starfire asked. "Truth or date I'm in pause it Beast Boy." Robin said excitedly. "Dudes cool. Cy come play." Beast Boy chimed in. "Coming." Cyborg said in a sing song way. "Okay, I'll go first. Robin, truth or dare?" Cyborg asked him. "Dare." Robin said smirking. "I dare you to go put on Starfire's uniform." Cyborg said giggling like a girl. Robin glared at him then got up to change. He came back with Starfire's uniform showing his abs and having his hands covering where the skirt didn't come out just enough. "Dude! You look great." Beast Boy laughed really hard. "Shut up." Robin snapped but smiled. Everyone started laughing and Robin did too. "You can change now." Cyborg chuckled. Robin returned and looked at Raven devilish. "Raven truth or dare?" Raven looked up at him. "Truth." She said emotionless. "Aw wimp. So Raven. Is it true Beast Boy was you're first kiss?" Robin asked smirking. "Yes." Raven said blushing trying not to smile. Beast Boy playfully elbowed her and smiled. "Beast boy, truth or dare?" Raven asked. "Dare." He said smirking devilish. "I dare you to turn into a small animal and sit in the freezer." She said smiling a little. "Cruel." Beast Boy laughed then turned into a kitten and crawled in the frige. After five minutes he crawled out. He turned into himself again and was shivering. He walked to Raven and grabbed her. He placed her in his lapped and huddled against her. "Sorry." Raven giggled. "It's okay I still love you." Beast Boy laughed through chattered teeth. "Starfire truth or dare?" Beast Boy barley asked. "Oh! I will pick the dare!" Starfire said excitedly. "I dare you to fly to the curtain and hang upside down on the rod for ten minutes. She did as told for ten minutes. "I am the 'dizzy' I can't see." Starfire said sitting herself on the floor. Robin picked her up and say her under his arm. "Cyborg, truth or the dare?" Starfire said looking at a wall due to dizziness. "Truth, not cause I'm a wimp but cause it hasn't been chosen in awhile. " I ask of you if you have ever made lip contact with a girl?" Starfire asked. "I did once with Bee." Cyborg said and everyone's jaws dropped. "Good going man." Beast Boy said. "Okay Raven truth or dare?" Cyborg asked. "Dare." Raven said emotionlessly. "I dare you and BB to go in the other room and okay seven minutes in heaven." Cyborg said chuckling. Beast Boy perked up and grabbed Raven by the hand and ran with her to the other room. "Okay here's the plan, I don't agree with making love when other people are listening or knowing. Love is a personal and sentimental thing to be shared between two. So we're just gonna make noises and bang on the walls." Beast Boy said then kissing her head. "Okay." Raven said giggling. As they started to hit the wall with their hands and feet while making noises they giggled so silently only they could hear. "Oh my gosh they are...... my word." Starfire said baffeld. As they walked to the room Beast Boy winked at Cyborg. "Okay moving right along." Robin said awkwardly. "We didn't do anything. We made noises and banged on the wall. I wouldn't disrespect her like that." Beast Boy told them. "Okay. I'm glad to hear that." Starfire said innocently. "Okay Titans get to the training room for an hour." Robin ordered. "Come on dude one day off won't hurt us." Beast Boy said in a whining voice. "Fine." Robin said harshly then smiled. "Let's go get some pizza." Robin finished in a smile. "Yay I enjoy the eating of pizza with my friends!" Starfire said excitedly. "Okay Star." Robin laughed and kissed her cheek.

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