No rest

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When the titans came back there was nothing there. "I guess there was a glitch." Cyborg said as he checked everything. Robin turned and slammed his fist in the wall. Starfire's eyes widened and tried to touch his shoulders but he jerked away. "This is his plan! I know it is! I knew it! I will have no rest until I figure this out!" Robin yelled as he paced back and forth clenching his fist. "Robin." Starfire pleaded in a whimper and tried to hug him but he pushed her aside. "I knew it I should've never went to that fair!" Robin screamed as he stormed into his room. "Starfire?" Cyborg said as she stood there looking like she was about to break. She then ran in her room and cried. Robin was in his room hopelessly searching through old papers in anger. then angrily threw papers everywhere and dropped to his knees. "Starfire." He said as he realized what he had done. He felt terrible now that he realized what he did. "Oh no." He got up and rushed out the door to hers. "Star? I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, I swear I would never want to hurt you. I love you. Please." Robin said from her door. All the sudden her doors came open to reveal her on her bed crying. Robin sat beside her on her bed then hugged her and put her in his arms. He started crying out of weakness. "Star, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." he whispered and held her tight. She looked up and then kissed him strong and passionate. He kissed her back stronger and harder. When they finally pulled apart she looked at him and whispered in his ear. "It's okay. I love you too." It got later and they fell asleep in each other's arms.

Cyborg woke up the next morning thinking about Bumblebee and he never has done this before so he was confused. He didn't know what he was feeling. He had to figure this out so he called her on her honorary titan communicator. "Hey Cyborg!" Bumblebee greeted him with a smile. "Hey, Bee I was wondering if you wanna met up for lunch at twelve?" Cyborg asked. "Yes, I would." Bumblebee said smiling. "Ohhhhh Cyborg! Get it! Cyborg likes Bumblebee!" Beast Boy said childish. Cyborg looked at Beast Boy angrily then his expression changed to goofy. "I could say the same about Rae." He shot back and Beast Boy blushed and just continued to chant. "Cyborg likes Bumblebee, Cyborgs got a date!" He sang until he got back to his room. Raven then walked in and made herbal tea. "Good morning Rae!" Beast Boy said as he skipped back in. She didn't talk back but waved and opened her book with her powers and drank her tea as she read as usual. Cyborg looked at him and winked but Beast Boy just rolled his eyes. "Race you to the game system!" Beast Boy challenged and they raced to the couch. Beast Boy won by transforming into a road runner like animal. "Dude where is Robin and Starfire?" Beast Boy asked Cyborg while they were playing a car racing game. "Not sure maybe they went out for breakfast." Cyborg answered.

Robin and Starfire were still in her room. Robin was awake but was still holding Starfire while she slept in his arms. She was wore out, he was to but he wanted to watch over her and protect her because he still had his thoughts about Control Freak. "Good morning Robin." Starfire said through a yawn. "Moring baby." he said before kissing her head. They laid in each other's arms for ten more minutes until she kissed his jaw and got up to go to the bathroom to get ready and he walked to his room to to the same.

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