Sand boy

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(F/n pov)

I was at master Fu's place as we enjoyed a cup of tea when I noticed the sun was setting. 

F/n: Well I'm not how long you want me to stay, given how late it is.

Master: It shouldn't be a problem, given how I plan to stay up late to watch the box.

F/n: Really, What makes tonight so different?

Master Fu: Well you see it will Nuroo's 3500th cycle tonight, if the other kawmi's gather in the box then they may reach him.

F/n: Thus finding Hawk Moth. 

Master Fu: Yes but who knows if the current kawmi's we have are enough?

F/n: Right you don't Tikki, Plagg or Nomii to leave their owners side, so it might not work. Speaking of the Kawmi's I need to ask about the bee miraculous.

Master Fu: You know why Chloe can not wield it again, it would put herself and everyone she cares about in danger.

F/n: Yet she is more willing to answer the call despite that fact. It has also affected how she acts, causing less akumatizations and even willing to help stop the villain even without it.

Master Fu: Hm...

F/n: Plus considering how she is, if we straight  up deny this. It can easily come back to bite us all and give hawkmoth an ally who knows about the miraculous, and more akumatizations then ever.

Master Fu: Even more then heroes day?

F/n: Considering it's Chloe were talking about, yes.

Master Fu: ... Marinette should have a say in this.

F/n: Well I know how that's going to go. "No offense master Fu but I don't trust Chloe given how rotten she is, unlike me who doesn't cause a single akumatization."

Master Fu: Let's talk about this another time.

He said as the sun had now set and black sky with stars now covered the Paris. I soon notice a small book collection Master Fu pulled out, as he handed me a copy of the jungle book.

F/n: I have my own book. Thank you though.

I said as I open my bag and pulled out Count of Monte Cristo.

Master Fu: I thought I offer.

He said as I began to open chapter 5.

Master Fu: You know you remind me of your ancestor Thaddaeus Winslow Cooper. What ever... did happen to th- *Yawn* Raccoon Kawmi.

F/n: Hm?

I said I noticed he fell asleep with, Wade putting his small hand on his mouth. Great... yet another conversation for another time. 

(Timeskip brought to by wondering what goes on in that miraculous box)

Edmond Dontas: It is the law of primitive nations, that is, the law of retaliation that I have most frequently found to be according to the law of God. There are men elevated by god who have a mission to serve rather then a post to fill. You have never dared to raise your wings into those upper spheres of exceptional beings.

Villefort: You consider yourself one of these exceptional beings?

Edmond Dontas: Yes Monsieur, I believe so. My kingdom is bound only by the world. I adopt all customs, speak all languages. I have but two adversaries, distance and time. Only death can stop me.

F/n: "There is no one above me but god." 

In a world of cruelty and pain, ruled by fear and control of information. I suppose that is why one such kingdom can only be founded by those who experience hell. But while you were placed in that hell by men who wronged you, I was born in mine and branded as a mistake that not even a father desired with warden that had desired to scream any attachment away from me. Yet no amount of pleading or praying will stop our approach to madness or acceptance of death. Only through our will and those we build sincere friendships with provided us our own freedom and peace. 

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