Might as well ask (not a chapter)

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To all those who read my story so far, I think it's time for that question. Who will F/n be with!?

Candidate number one: She's a girl who understands lost and what it's like to be asocial outcast. Who deserves to smile no matter what the outcome, who in my honest opinion needs to question her friendship with Marinette. Juleka Couffaine!!!

Candidate number two: She's the girl that knows how to weave a tale, has been shown to not have a good relationship with her mother, her name literally means red beauty. And if she's picked it means less competition for Marinette. Lila Rossi!!!

Before you can decide on your romantic option, let me lay down what will come.

If Juleka is chosen, we will see a romance that makes F/n feel accepted who he is despite never being what his mother wants him to be. Becoming a more permanent addition of kitty section as Juleka finds out who he is. Thus resulting in either Juleka convincing him that H/n time is over and take the mask off, or for her to split from F/n until she can come to terms with h/n in exchange he no longer steals from anyone. Eventually leading to a time skip where it show a rock star family with a kid finding the book, thus a new theif is born. As Lila she will eventually see the hero F/n was and try to find good in others and try to be their for them, just as her heroic friend did for her.

If Lila is chosen, we will see a romance that makes both F/n and Lila take comfort in each others company. Thus a relationship born from trust and honesty (I know Lila haters, shocking) and in the end resulting in a relationship that makes both Hawkmoth and Ladybug shiver at the fact that both of them are working together. When she eventually discovers who F/n is, she will accept and actually compliment the fact that he could pull the double life with ease. Thus  leading to relationship where F/n working with Lila if she becomes the next hawkmoth, in order to retrieve the miraculous from Ladybug and Chat who no longer need them. Or if she isn't the next Hawkmoth will result in a relationship of the theif and political figure, where both would actually try to be their for their kid. And as the kid gets older they would actually have someone to teach them all the family tricks, thus a father son dual with the mother joining if she is up for it or doesn't have  another bun in the oven. As for Juleka, she would still be friends with F/n as he would be their if she needed help. Weather it be for a concert or just normal everyday life.

But in the end readers it's up to you now as I will my personal belief out of this and let you all decide. Between chemical romance (Juleka) and poker face (Lila) and the prize being Smooth criminal (f/n aka H/n). Just please make sure your comment is next to the person your voting for.

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