Why I made the choices I made (Not a chapter)

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When it comes to this story, Some may question why I chose to made the grand child the main character and not say the child of Sly or Sly himself. One being the fact of the events of thieves in time. Now when it comes to this game, I'm a little more bias to it considering  I grew up with Sly and the gang. So any content with them is solid gold for me. Second I have seen plenty of art  and stories depicting the children of Sly, and while I love each depiction it's been over saturated in some regard.

The second reason is to consider something that the Sly Cooper  has always showed me, family legacy. In the series we always have seen that story had always revolve around the Cooper Legacy, however we have seen it through someone who has known their legacy who accepts it and who loves. With this story, I wanted to write two different outlooks when it comes to a family legacy.

The first being loathing or denying it. When it comes to legacies or heritage, some go to it like fish to water but others would hate it. Either by the fact they feel forced to be something they never wanted to be, or labeled to be something, or are just reminded that no matter what they can never reach that level or talent as others have before. Some will even try to deny it and try their best to hide it from others, if not to cover up shame or are scared of it then to just forget about it.

The second being discovering the legacy. Over time as somethings are forgotten, some things are rediscovered. Either by the people doing the same thing others have done in the past, or finding out about it one day. From their it comes with a choice after a while to either bring back something long berried or leave it behind. Which also plays into why their are romance options for F/n, one depicting the life without the legacy and being himself without it. While the other is one that shows the legacy and how it affects him and others. As for which one will win in the end, well that fall onto the readers. 

When it comes to the romance, their's a reason as to why I chose both Julika and Lila, As both capture F/n in some way shape and form. One representing a person who has been silenced but still has a voice and wishes to be heard,even when others seek to silence it. The other representing the darker truths of a person and understanding from where they come from, to a point that they can both accept who the other is without judgement.

Julika has to be shown as an outcast, with really Rose being the only person by her side. F/n can relate considering the lack of friends he had in the U.S. and can help each other out. F/n being able to help her stand out  and help get out of her comfort zone. While she starts to find out who he is and tries to help the man behind the smile, the crushed but not broken. But she won't want H/n, she would just want F/n. If not for fear of being alone again, then the fear of losing F/n.

Lila is a character I believe can relate more to the other side of F/n, the thief or H/n that was repressed for so long. As she would see someone who she could perhaps be honest with, if not for the fact of his nature then the fact he was willing to look at her at a different angel. As she can easily open a side to F/n that they can both relate to, if not with the issue of absent fathers then with both being experts of trickery. But she would not about right or wrong, rather the benefit. Sure F/n can help mellow her out by being their and, but she would do similar things she was or is doing now if she gained something from it.

But in the end it comes down to who F/n prefers to be or who will be with. The boy who hides behind a smile and remarks who tries to act like he has no real goal in life, or the alter ego in which he is free to pursue a life of adventure and give up on a normal one. You can say you want Julika to be with f/n, but he would have to give up H/n. Or you would want Lila to be with H/n, but he's most likely going to give up being F/n.

Some may saw why not a third option, where he's with none and we still have both sides of him. Well weather or not we want it to, things do change over time. Like friends turn enemies, good turned evil, loves ones appearing and disappearing. Either way one side of F/n will win and the other will be lost, for that is part of life. At least this way, F/n will have someone to help catch him when he does fall to one side.

But leave your own thoughts if you like, weather I'm right or wrong I'll read all your opinions or thoughts. But I do say this when it comes to my thoughts on creating a character, everyone has a reason for what they do. You just need to know what newtons 3rd law is, for every action their is and equal and opposite reaction. 

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