Mrs Ruby

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(f/n pov)

Well might as well get some stress out with one of my favorite activities, fencing. When I arrived I saw everyone had a partner, guess I'll be observing from the bench today. When I went and sat down I notice Arron was walking out the locker room.

F/n: Arron, what are you doing here?

I said as he looked at me with confusion, I then lifted my fencing mask as he recognized me.

Arron: Oh hey, I just forgot my bookbag and went to retrieve it.

He then looked over at the others fencing and his eyes focused on Kagami who wore her usual red fencing jacket.

Arron: Not that much color besides that one in red.

F/n: Well she does go to a different school all together, she just goes here because theirs's no fencing club at school.

Arron: Really?

F/n: Yeah, hard to believe since she goes to a sports focused school.

Arron: And you this how?

F/n: I asked about her outfit at one point in time, apparently she goes to the same school as Kim's girlfriend.

I said as she defeated Adrian and removed her mask and helped Adrian up. When I looked at Arron his eyes were set on her.

Arron: So... what's her name?

F/n: Her name is Kagami Tsurugi, and before you ask she already has eyes on Adrian.

Arron: Aw... So Adrian practically has a harem. 

F/n: So does Marinette.

Arron: Speaking of which, are you and Juleka a thing or...

F/n: Oh, I actually think Rose just got with Juleka.

Arron: Oh, sorry I had no idea.

F/n: It's alright, that's life. Besides if you really care about them, you gladly show your support for their happiness.

Arron: Still, I mean their has to be something awkward between you two now.

F/n: If their is, all the reason to ignore it and go on with your day.

I said as I got up and put my helmet back on and readied my rapier, and with that our battle began. She came swinging her blade at full speed as I was sent to a counter and dodge her blows, when an opening presented itself I struck. It wasn't long until our blades locked and as we began catching up.

F/n: So how's life treating you?

Kagami: Mother is allowing me to go to an art exhibit with Adrian. Their showing off a necklace that once belonged to a voodoo priestess.  

F/n: Really?

I said as we broke off the guard and continued fighting, it wasn't long until we were surrounded by everyone watching the fight. 

F/n: How come she is allowing you to?

Kagami: She believes I'm going their because of the new Japanese exhibit of Ikari Gozen being their for a limited time.

F/n: Ah resorting to lying are we, anything to get what you want I suppose.

I said as I slide my blade past her which caused her to slip past me as I go in for a strike, but then she tosses the blade to her other had to block my strike. Thus our battle continued, much to everyone's shock. 

F/n: Still be careful of what you do, for if you are caught then you most likely will lose your freedom.

Kagami: Fair point, but not all battles were won honorably. Look at the ghost Jin Sakai to prove my point.

Lets steal this show.(Miracolous Ladybug X Male reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt