Secret rule reveal

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To those who wonder about the secret rule, I suppose it's time I reveal it. 

The fourth rule: The next character between Lila and Julika receive relationship development  with will be determine by the episode number the selected villain was in. If people wanted Julika, they would want an episode with an odd number. And for Lila, they would want an even number. 

But don't worry their will be more bonding moments with two as Julika takes an interest in F/n while Lila starts to look toward H/n's way, either in a Tango for two or some ice cream from a certain ice cream man.

And sense Horrificator had the most votes out of the view I had recieved, Julika will receive some more relationship development because it was episode 11 in the first season. And for your reading the story so far, here is a list of chapters I plan on writing.

Style queen (glitter queen in my opinion cause their really isn't that much style)

Queen bee. (...yeah. Seriously I question why anyone likes her, but then again I like Lila so I can't really say anything.)

Sand boy (people with pyrophobia watch out)

general Tsao  (As in general Tsao's  grand daughter)

Mugshot (Thinking of making ape man more awesome in this one)



 anansi (Sorry, Nino is not the next Bently)

heroes day (Rena Rouge vs Volpina anyone?)

Star train 

Ikari Gozen 


Time Tagger (My personal favorite)

and the battle of the miraculous.

Their are other surprises I have plan as well. Even going to some iconic locations for this story, like a certain place from certain game. (Hint: The song on top, don't worry I plan to use a different version of the song.) Thanks for reading and have a good day.

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