Therapy with Dr. Glass

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"So why don't we start with the simple stuff, what was your childhood like?"

Dr. Glass and Dr. Bright were sitting across from eachother with a table between them. It was in Dr. Glass' office and bright was beginning to feel a bit claustrophobic seeing as it was just a cramped little space.

"Uhm... I am a middle child, my parents were often at work so I only had my siblings... oh! And I was homeschooled."

Dr. Glass took a minute to picture a younger bright, and what he might have looked like when he was younger. With siblings around him and learning from home, never meeting more people.

"Where did your parents work if I may ask?"

"They worked here. At the foundation."

Glass took notice at how brights voice became lower and more empty.

"Is that how you got your job here?"

Dr. Glass thought that maybe bright got here with priviallage instead of working through the ranks. After all, that's what most parents would do to help their child.

"Nope. I got here on my own, I didn't even know they worked here when I had joined. That was until a scientist looked at my last name and said he knew my father."

Dr. Glass took a moment to write everything down.

'Huh. I wonder what his parents are like then.'

As if bright had read his mind, he proceeded to go on.

"My parents were very strict on all of us. If we wanted something we had to work for it. They said it would build great skills for our future."

Dr. Bright chuckled after that last part.

"Future my ass. Look at where that got us."

Dr. Bright seemed to think Dr. Glass did not hear that last bit, so Glass pretended he didn't.

"Do you know where your siblings as of now?"

"Yep. One works for the foundation, two are scps themselves, and I think another one works for the serpants hand? I don't keep in touch with a lot of them."

Dr. Glass seemed to blank of the middle part for a moment. Bright had siblings as scps and no one ever heard of that?

Dr. Glass was somewhat intrigued now with brights family. But that all went down as soon as they heard Dr. Glass' watch go off, signaling the next patient would be there soon.

"Alright we'll schedule again for next week... how does Wednesday sound?"

"Sounds like a plan doc, see ya soon!"

Dr. Bright seemed to be more goofy and silly now, and to Dr. Glass that was concerning because moments ago he had been serious.

Dr. Glass could almost hear the sadness about to hit him like a train next Wednesday and he wasn't lookin forward to it.

'The next patient should be here soon, I might as well get ready.'

And with that Dr. Glass slipped back I to his office and cleaned up a bit.

Scp Doctor Oneshots (Mostly Bright)Where stories live. Discover now