A Week With Your Immortal

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"So what your saying is you want to follow me around for a week to see what I do as apart of your experiment?"

Glass and bright were in brights office as per glass' request.

You see, glass had done this experiment many times and it often helped other reasurchers see why their Colleagues acted the way they did.

But this time was a little different because glass wanted a few more people to witness what bright did rather than just him.

Reason being is no one really believes him when he says bright is actually very productive, it's just bright works when no ones looking.

And by that, glass meant bright usually worked between the unhealthy hours of 12-6 in the morning.

"This is more of a trust exercise and also a way for colleagues to witness staff at work. It's ok for you to decline, I can probably get kondraki to fill in if need be but I would really appreciate if you did it."

Glass had noted a while back that bright has a problem of never saying no to people he likes. It's also why he gets into so much trouble, because he likes pleasing those around him to much.

But even if bright declined that would be progress because then glass knows that bright took into consideration his own feelings for once and isn't acting on being a crowd pleaser.

"I'll do it, just tell me who's going to be seeing g me working because honestly it would be a pain to not know."

Glass was thrilled, but couldn't help the feeling of doom right around the corner from now.

"Well I knw for a fact that gears will be part of this and so will iceberg. I think clef said he would think about it and crow said he might if he's available."

"Ok that doesn't sound so bad, weird bunch but not bad."

Glass bid bright goodbye and left for his own office, leaving bright to fill out his paperwork and other assignments.

Glass didn't even notice it was 2 in the morning until after he got back to his office.

Back with bright though, he wasn't doing so good.

He was actually very stressed, he would be watched by a large amount of reasurchers that already held him to somewhat impossible standards as well as having glass take notes on his every move and having to do work at the same time.

Bright was dying inside just thinking about it.

It scared bright that possibly after this their views on him would change, and that in turn would effect how well they worked together as staff.

Bright shook his head and looked at some of the files on his desk.

"These might take my mind off things for a bit."

And so bright finished all his work, filled out applications, approved of some redacted files and finished all his assignments.

By the time he looked at a clock it was 7:30 am and that meant that everyone should be awake by now or just waking up.

Bright felt tired and sleepy, letting his eyes droop lower and lower every second, and then dinally going to sleep with his head in his hands.

~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~

Bright woke up and looked at the time to see it read 9:46 am.

A loud ringing noise startled him awake even more, and bright started searching for his phone.

He found it in his pocket and answered the call button not looking at the contact name.


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