Kondraki's day off

555 11 11

"What the fuck could you possibly want, and how the hell did you get my number?"

Kondraki was awoken at the ungodly hour of 4:37 and was not having it. No, not not if it was an 05 calling him, in fact that just made it worse.

"Clef gives out fairly easily when a few drinks are involved, as for the call you are on mandatory time off doctor kondraki."

Kondraki took a few seconds to process what he heard and sighed loudly.

"You couldn't of told me over text or just anything else?"

"You wouldn't check it otherwise. Have fun on your day off."

The 05 hung up and kondraki stared at his phone with annoyance, he placed his phone down on his night stand and promptly went back to sleep. His alarm would wake him up in a few hours anyway.

As kondraki drifted off to sleep he thought about spending the day with 408 and taking photos of them. It would serve as a fun way to spend his day off if there were no containment breaches.

Kondrkai would have time to think about that later, all he wanted now was sleep.

~~~Time Skip~~~

Kondraki let's his alarm go off for another minute so he could fully wake up.

He reached over and hit snooze on his phone, and got up from his comfortable bed. It was 6 now, and all kondraki wanted was coffee so that he could at least pretend he had a will to live for another day.

Kondrakis movements were slow and he often almost tripped on his own feet, he doesn't get days off fairly often and when he does it's because he hadn't gone on vacation for a while.

"Manditory leave my ass...they probably want to get rid of me or something."

Kondraki could care less as he sipped coffee from his mug, and looking at the time it was 6:30.

He could get dressed and then head over to 408 containment but kondraki decided they could wait for a moment and he could try to relax for a bit.

As kondraki made his way to the couch he heard knocking on his door, which was considerably weird because there was no one else on this floor who stayed past 6.

"It's not locked!"

Kondraki sits on the couch and stares over it, and when the door finally does open, clef is leaning on the frame with his hand covering his side.

It only took a second for kondraki to see that clef was bleeding badly, and a trail of blood could be seen behind him faintly.

"Jesus christ what happened to you?"

Kindraki set his mug on the table and went over to clef, who instantly fell forward into kondraki.

"05 sent for a termination and got close too."

Kondraki and clef made their way to the bathroom where kondraki kept his at home medical supplies.

"Alright take off your shirt and let me see the hit, and don't move unnecessarily."

Clef coughed up a small amount of blood but still had that shit eating grin in his face. Kondraki was a little concerned but knew what was gonna happen next.

"Wow konny, you haven't even taken me on a date yet."

Clef was quick to get his shirt off because the pain was starting to get unbearable even for him.

Kondraki set to work, looking at the wound and assessing what needs to be done. Clef would hiss in pain every time kondraki dabbed gauze along the gash, and mutter some curse at him silently.

Kondraki tightly bandaged clefs side and looked to check for anything else in clef. All he found were a few minor cuts that he bandaged and bruises were running along his arms and some of his back.

"So do you wanna explain what happened or do you want me to go find the guy that did this and ask him?"

"Well he's dead already so have fun talking to a corpse. Anyway the 05 sent for a termination on me and the guy they sent was from some other site."

"Well that explains the sudden day off and a call from one of the 5s but holy fuck clef what did you do?"

"I don't know! I just work here and mess around! What else could I possibly do to warrant my death?"

Kondraki looks at clef for a moment then sighs, clef was right. This was a pointless termination attempt and it backfired. The 05 wanted kondrkai off today so that he couldn't interfere and clef almost died.

If anything the 05 should have kept konny working, it would have been harder for clef to make it to his office without attracting attention from other workers.

"Come on I'll get you something to drink. How does whiskey sound?"

"It's never sounded better. Especially since I'm drinking away the pain."

"God that couldn't sound worse, ready to have a fun day?"

"Always my dear."


Hi yes I know the ending is rushed but I wanted to get this out sooner than later and I could also feel my motivation dropping.

If you have any requests feel free to ask!

Have a nice day/night/afternoon/mornin!

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