The Bad Feelings (TW)

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Warning: this contains heavy subjects like cutting and blood. If you feel like I do, go seek help please! Alright, let's get this started!

Dr. Bright wasn't your normal scp scientist. He was immortal. He couldn't die.

But that was a problem to him because he has had to watch friends die, and even kill some himself.

That left trauma not even Dr. Glass could fix.

And after all that, the foundation couldn't Give him medication to stop feeling feeling like shit.

That was a laugh to bright, being immortal, depressed, and the only way he could feel better was to find a solution to his own problems.

And that's exactly what he did.

He found many sharp objects just laying around the site, it was as if fate was wanting him to do this.

"Wow we are really irresponsible. All of these weapons and glass objects could easily kill someone."

And that's exactly what bright wanted. He wanted to die.

He didn't want to stay on the earth or even be in the foundation any more than he had to.

But yet his soul was trapped in this stupid amulet.

'Stupid. Stupid. Stupid! How could you be so stupid?! You brought this among yourself, you just had to get in the middle of a containment breach with Able.'

Bright was currently in his office, twirling the knife he had around his hand.

He had already hurt himself, but he was still high off of the pain.

It hurt bright, really it did. But he just felt so numb inside that he couldn't care less.

He just kept twirling the knife around and thinking about all of his past mistakes and how much of a dick he had always been to his 'friends'.

Did he even know them well enough to call them that?

Did they know him well enough to even begin to think they were his friends?

Suddenly bright was snapped out of his mind with a knock at his office door.

He put the knife in his desk and got up from his chair to open the door.

Quickly changing his sad mood into fake happiness and smiles.

It was all a lie.

A lie no one else could see.

A perfect lie that kept everyone at an arms length away so that if anything happened to them bright wouldn't hurt himself even more.

But isn't that what he wanted?

Bright opened the door only to be greated with Dr. Clef.

In brights new body he was about the same hight as clef but maybe a bit taller.

"Hey bright, were all having a meeting, we thought it would be a good idea to include you in this one."

Well that threw bright off.

Clef never was this serious for a normal meeting so bright knew it was serious.

"Ok! Is there anything I need to know about this meeting?"

Bright stepped out of his office Door and closed it, starting to walk with the cowboy scientist.

"Well you probably shouldn't be to happy when you enter the meeting... it's really urgent."

Scp Doctor Oneshots (Mostly Bright)Where stories live. Discover now