Christmas headcannon

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Detective void does exist in this book and actually watches a lot of the things that happen to the scientist and documents them! He also secretly holds the secret Santa and gets everyone presents, without them knowing of course who it is that got them it

Bright is allowed to get really drunk on Christmas eve only because he helps wrap all the presents and helps pay for them as well, and now that you're here reading this, Christmas at the foundation wouldn't happen if bright didn't set up lights and props everywhere.

Clef switches his cowboy hat out for a Santa hat or let's his antlers grow for Christmas and likes to visit some of the children scps and hang out with them.

Gears switches his ties out for red and green bowties

Iceberg and glass have matching Christmas tree glasses and wear them all throughout December

Kondraki decorates the break room with bright and as a joke one year he wrapped the chairs in wrapping paper. It was off the chairs in the first week.

Crow carries a messenger bag with chocolates, candy canes, and other candies and passes them out to the other reaserchers

Draven is in charge of getting all the Christmas drinks and James is in charge of the christmass snacks


And that has been, christmass headcannons with science crew and friends!

Have a really great day/night/afternoon/mornin!

Scp Doctor Oneshots (Mostly Bright)Where stories live. Discover now