Brights problem with personel staff

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"So bright what's something that you have tried to change with the people around you, but the people around you don't change?"

Bright and glass were in another interview, and so far it was going ok. Bright was being behaved for once and acted somewhat normal, the only downside to this is that he is about to pass out any moment now.

"When people call me scp 963 and I have to correct them."

Bright was slow with his words and sounded aloof, not really here mentally but physically.

"And why does this bother you?"

"Because I didn't choose to be part scp and they treat me different, exclude me from things, they think I'm dangerous or something because when I enter the break room they all go silent!"

Bright sounded outraged and glass could tell he was angry, but there was also a sadness to his words. A deep pain in brights heart for being treated unfairly and like an object of mass destruction.

This was something glass noticed him and clef had in common a long time ago, they were both treated like outcasts and shunned, so they made up ways to prove they were human to themselves.

Bright and clef do crazy things because they think its what people normally do, mistaking crazy for being human because they have never been treated as such.

Glass could even see it in some of their mutuals eyes when bright does something crazy or suggests something terrifying. Glass can see the moment they snap out of it and try to convince Bright to do something else.

Glass has even noticed some of the junior reaserchers treat Bright terrably because they heard nasty rumors about him.

Glass has even felt it himself, back when he first met Bright and was assigned to be his counselor. The things Bright would talk about were terrifying to glass and he wanted to run away from the room a few  times.

But then glass looked at it a different way. He saw how bright acted around others, funny, joking, making threats and doing crazy stuff, and then saw how bright acted with him.

He mellowed down a bit as to not cause problems for glass when writing things down, he talked slower and had an inside voice, and even sometimes brought glass snacks or drinks.

That's the side of bright only few people have seen and it's even rarer that he does it continuously, so glass felt better about bright after some time.

Now back to what bright had said, he's tired of people treating him differently because of scp 963.

"Have you tried gathering all of the reasurchers and gaurds to talk about what to address you as?"

"They don't listen to me, that's the problem. Everytime I try, they forget that I'm higher up than them in the ranks, even the gaurds!"

Glass had to sit and think about what to do next when suddenly his timer went off, signaling that it was time to end their session.

"Alright bright, times up. Same time next week or whenever your not busy?"

"Yeah ok, I'm gonna take a nap now, have a nice day simon"

Glass had a quick pause at the use of his first name, and quickly tried to recover from his initial shock.

If bright couldn't get it through to everyone that he hates being called 963, glass will have to do something about it himself.

~~~Time skip~~~

"So do you all know why I called you here?"

Glass had scheduled an online meeting with some of the 'head of site' people.

No one really knew why a counselor was calling a meeting, let alone with the higher ups.

"No we don't. So do you mind elaborating? We all have better things to do."

Glass' happy go lucky mood dropped immediately, going straight for the point.

"Well one of my patients has been complaining that you haven't been calling him by the correct name."

Some of the people on call looked confused, some looked distraught because of the mood change, and only a few remained the same.

"And what is the name of this 'patient' doctor?"

"You all probably know him as Dr. Bright, but I've heard you have been calling him by 963."

Now all of the higher ups looked like they knew what was up, and some even prepared for what was about to happen.

"I may need to re-inform you all that Dr. Bright is higher up than you all and you should treat him with the utmost respect. Failure to comply with this will result in dire consequences, remember you are all replaceable."

Near the end of glass' rant his voice went dangerously low, showing hostility to the other people in the call.

"Now if that is all, have a nice day gentlemen, if I hear anything else from bright you will not be missed!"

Glass ended the call witha sigh, not waiting to hear the complaints of all his higher ups.

Glass knew he could potentially hear about this from 05 but he feels as if this isn't an urgent matter so he will get off the hook.

This would hopefully keep the some of the site managers off brights back for a bit.


Hopefully this made sense? I don't feel like this came out well enough but eh.

Have a nice day/night/afternoon/mornin!

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