Tests On Dr. Bright

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"Has anyone in this room been tested on by the foundation before?"

Some reasurchers were in a conference taking a vote to see if they should just ban human tests or let them stay.

The room went silent and then bright raised his hand in response. He was the only one who had raised his hand in the room, but that didn't mean he was the only one. It just meant the others were scared about saying anything or just don't remember it because of how traumatizing it was.

"Well scince you seem to be the only one willing to talk about it, what do they do with human test trials?"

"Shouldn't you know this? You are a level 4 clearance."

"It's all redacted on paper, we would of had to be there to see it happen."


Bright sat and thought about what test he should bring up and then he had an idea.

"This was back when I first got my soal trapped in the amulet. The 05 council wanted to see if it gave me any extra abilities, examples are strength, speed, agility, pain resistant."

"Why would the 05 council be interested in the amulet?"

"Because at the time I was supposed to be dead, and I wasn't. So anyway they ran a series of trials on me, first it was how much I could lift in weight. It was pretty standard, all we learned was that I have the strength that the person I'm possessing has."

Glass had already gotten out his clipboard and started writting down notes, clef and kondraki listened carefully because they both were either part scp or had scps following them and they wanted to see what it was going to be like if they were ever tested on.

"When speed came around it was also average, had to do a few retakes though because I kept tripping on stuff, they also had an scp chase me and it was terrifying at first."

Iceberg, the one who hosted the meeting was on the edge of his seat, he had only been to a human trial once and the person didn't make it out alive. He needed a lot of therapy after that.

There was so much blood.

"But when pain resistance came around they did a lot of tests, even after it was proven I still felt pain. Some examples of this were cutting off limbs, exposing vital organs, cutting my head open but managed to keep me alive somehow. It was funny watching them squirm in their seats as they had to watch."

Now all the other scientists recognized why bright was the way he is, it was all the torture he went through, mental and physical. It should have been enough to drive anyone of them insane.

"What about emotional torture? Did they try that on you?"

"Yeah, that sucked. I saw my siblings in cells also being tested on and I'm sure that created some sort of trauma for them."

The room was in stunned silence.

The scientists knew the foundation would do whatever it took to get information but they didn't know it would go that far.

Bright looks at his wrist and mumbles something about being late.

"Alright I gotta go, I have another meeting and I'm sort of late so goodbye!"

Bright jogs out of the room leaving all the resurchers to ponder what all has happened in Brights life.

I know it's short but at least it's something! Have a great day/night/afternoon/mornin!!

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