Danger Day

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Today was just one of those days for Bright where nothing was going well and people were acting like dicks.

Bright didn't get to sleep last night and even the night before, only staying awake from coffee and shear spite of the universe.

But of course today is the day the coffee machine decides to break and he lost all progress in his report.

Bright was so close to strangling someone, it physically hurt him to stop himself.

No one actually noticed that bright was so close at his end point that they just kept doing what they normally did.

Drop random insults his way and more paperwork to fill out.

The last straw was when clef thought it would be a funny idea to try and shoot at bright with actual bullets.

Bright did dodge all of them but was so done with this day that he walked over to clef glaring, and took his gun effectively snapping it in half with just pure unfiltered anger.

Clef didn't say a word while this was happening, his laughter died down fast when he saw Brights eyes glaring at him, testing him to do something stupid so that he had a reason to commit murder.

Bright walked off to his office and slammed the door, all the other reasurchers decided they needed scp 999 to help them.

Obviously the effects of 999 didn't effect bright but it did ease a bit of his anger to see the orange slime make random sounds at him, trying to communicate.

"You know, this has been one hell of a day for me, I think I'm feeling feeling risky."

Even the slime didn't like the sound of that, so much so that scp 999 got a bit anxious being in a room with bright now.

Bright got up and opened his door, going down the hallway and going to another door.

The scp tag read 'scp 682'.

They still had him in a dry holding cell so this worked for bright better than he planed.

He opened the doors and quickly locked them behind himself, making sure that the doors were locked and the scp couldn't escape the cell.

"What are you doing here? You here to try and kill me again?"

The reptile had sarcasm and sass in his voice but bright simply slid down the back of the door, landing on the floor with a little thud before smiling at scp 682.

"You are the last person I want in this fucking cell. Get. Out."

682 became violent and started getting into a striking pose, making sure he was lined up correctly so if he were to lunge at bright he would hit him head on and kill him.

"Honestly if you could kill me that would be nice. Just make sure not to wear the amulet or else I'll be stuck in your body and that's how you will die."

The hard to kill reptile looked shocked for a moment, not expecting that from a human reasercher.

"Aren't you supposed to be mortal? Otherwise they would also have you locked up here."

Bright gave out a loud but sad laugh, laughing at the way the reptile seemed confused.

"Buddy if I was a mortal I would have been dead a long time ago, I'm old as shit."

The doctor took off the necklace from around his neck and set it beside him.

"It's funny being immortal isn't it? You get to see the people around you die and have someone replace them later on in life..."

For once the reptile seemed to relate to this doctor, it was terrable being immortal. Sure you never die but you still feel pain.

"Stop being so fucking relatable, if I wanted to become a therapist I would have."

682 said, but clearly bright knew the reptile would have wanted to hear more.

"Eh, I don't think it suits you. Maybe become a receptionist instead."

Bright quietly laughed at his own joke, not Daring to say anything else.

"So why did you come here? You wouldn't just want to be in here to make a couple of jokes."

"Well I was hoping you would kill me on sight and then that would give me a break but so far my luck has been terrable."

The reptile seemed to finally notice how bright seemed more on edge and figity, not happy and energetic like all the other times 682 has seen him.

682 quietly and slowly moved forward, reaching bright within a matter of seconds, and laying his head down on brights legs, the rest of his body laying down with him.

Bright seemed to tense before calming down again, and even started petting 682 before falling asleep.

On the other side of the glass and door, researchers were screaming and yelling profanities while trying to understand what was happening.

They have finnaly noticed 2 things, bright was tired of their shit, and that 682 understands bright.

They were entirely fucked if 682 convinced bright to join him.

Scp Doctor Oneshots (Mostly Bright)Where stories live. Discover now