Radiation at its finest- gearsberg

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Iceberg was known all around for his bomb testing and making explosives out of thin air, but he was lesser known for his radiation testing and making nukes.

He has, quite a few times, proven to be well adversed in making nukes as he has made the 05 council several before for scps.

He has even made a nuke that was well enough to take out a reality bender, though the only time it was used was when clef was out on a mission.

The disappointment from iceberg not being able to see the blast radius was evident for weeks but with clef telling him all sorts of thing about his mission, the feeling soon went away.

But there were also side effects from iceberg making such explosives, such as the radiation that had already mixed in with his blood cells.

It was nothing dangerous, and if anything went wrong their was probably an scp that could reverse the effects but the risk only made iceberg want to work with radiation and nukes more.

The only thing keeping iceberg a safe distance away from insanity was gears.

Gears was always there to stop iceberg when things got a little too risky, and when iceberg would try and protest gears stopping him, gears would simply grab his coat collar and drag him away from his testing room. Either that or he lured iceberg out with the promise of chocolate.

Everyone was puzzled why gears would care so much for iceberg, and only show it in the minimalist of ways. Gears would do something like make iceberg coffee, get him chocolate on his birthday, and on the rare occasion, drink wine with him.

But iceberg never seemed to mind gears' plainnes, or lack of emotion. Always taking the things gears does for him as affection and always giving gears praise afterwords.

Everyone was just puzzled by their relationship in general, but in due time it seemed like gears could only stop iceberg tipping over the edge for so long.

An accident happened.

Iceberg was testing a finished nuke, small enough not to blow the whole facility up, but strong enough to kill anyone in its blast radius. Considering the walls were thick, and were also designed to withstand this type of explosion, it should have been safe.

But unfortunately, the radiation in the area got out of hand, and iceberg was majorly affected by it. It was great that iceberg used the part of the facility where no one went anyway but the 05 still had some complaints about it.

The 05 didn't even care that iceberg may have gotten hurt or killed like usual, just that part of their facility was unusable for some time.

And this seemed to anger gears, enough for people who normally don't see him start to notice his irritation at the 05 for the moment. Iceberg was stuck in med bay for a good couple months ahead of him, and his only visitors being gears and a few others as to not over exert himself.

There was no physical damage to iceberg, but there was some mental and cellular damage to him. Iceberg couldn't hear as well as he used to, the sound blocking headphones that usually work for this kind of thing were completely useless, and some wonder how the rest of the facility didn't get hearing problems from this experiment. The next thing that took damage was the way iceberg could see things. Before when iceberg looked at something he could see with perfect vision and had no color blindness, but now from what he says, everything has a different color than it used to.

He has tried to explain what some things look like to him to glass and some of the doctors, saying that the walls that were grey were now pink and people looked variant shades of colors.

Clef, one of the people that could visit iceberg, said that his life would never be dull with all the colors he saw now. Iceberg laughed at that.

And bright wanted to know all about how the nuke went off and how well the walls took damage. Iceberg said his memory was cloudy because he hit his head hard, and some nurses say it's a miracle he can remember anything at all with the head impact.

Glass asked iceberg a lot of questions when iceberg finaly awoke, so many in fact that iceberg complained of a migraine and after that glass dialed it down on the questions.

Gears seemed to almost take it the worse way possible, he almost never left iceberg alone, not that iceberg was complaining. Gears was able to take some of his paper work into the med bay and sit with iceberg as he worked, letting iceberg talk to him or even just sit and enjoy eachothers company.

Over all gears gained a new protectivenes of iceberg and as soon as iceberg was let out of med bay, gears gave him an hour long lecture on how to safely preform tasks and also that he is now restricted from ever making nukes again.

But in the end, iceberg kissed gears on the cheek and sat down at his desk, starting on his missed work while gears stood still from shock.

Gears soon sat down at his desk and got back to work as well, but all he could think of was icebergs kiss on his cheek.

Over all, iceberg got used to his new eyesight and often made jokes about it, and gears now required iceberg to take him with him when he went off testing his explosives so that he can better monitor iceberg.


Take this gearsberg chapter I made up randomly on the spot. If you find any mistakes please tell me, I typed this really fast and I'm too tired to look it over right now.

Anyway have a nice day/night/afternoon/mornin!

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