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Everyone sees something different written on a tombstone.









But none of these things could be seen on clefs tombstone.

No not one bit.

No one knew enough about the guy.

Well, maybe just one person, but they never thought they would see this day so all he could do was stand and stare and the gravestone.

It was sad really, how he went out.

Terminated by bright, commanded by the 05, threatening his family and his freedom to roam. Yes, it was sad really.

Kondraki understood. He knew what it was like to be ordered to do something you didn't want to, but he just hoped he had more time with alto.

It was almost poetic, how clef was found.

Kondraki had a terrible feeling because alto wasn't bothering him like usual so he checked his office, only to find clef bleeding out with a fatal shot to the heart. He was already close to death and the most Kondraki could do was hold Altos head in his lap and talk about mindless things while he watched him die.

Bright later admitted to kondraki he was the one to pull the trigger and he understood if they never had contact again.

But surprisingly all kondraki asked for was that bright never do something like that again, and they left it at that.

Kondraki did actually want bright dead but he saw no point. Bright would come back in someone else's body, killing another person, only creating more casualties. It just adds to the kill count the foundation has on their hands.

But now, kondraki standing in front of Altos grave, crying silently, all of his hatred and love seemed to leave him.

The grave was in the forest, hidden by trees, bushes, and tall grass. It was easy to get too if you knew the way, but it was hard to find if you didn't know what you were looking for. Exactly what alto was like, hidden in plain sight, always there but never seen or noticed.

Of course alto wouldn't be remembered in 5 years, the only people who would know were the people who worked closely beside him. And it was weird to think about to kondraki that in 5 years the only thing keeping clefs legacy in tact was mystery trails he left behind and stories told by senior staff.

It was funny in a sad way, that not even alto can get a break in the afterlife since kondraki would now be constantly visiting him. Kondraki doesn't think he will mind the company, after all, alto is dead and dead people can't say shit about who visits them.

Kondraki placed a lone flower against the tombstone, it was an orange rose.

Something kondraki thought would be fitting scince clef seemed to like the color.

Yes yes, it was sad indeed.

The self proclaimed devil dies to a wound in the heart, who would have thought.

And clef leaves behind kondraki, his buddy, to suffer with sadness and loneliness after the loss of a friend.

No, not a friend, a lover.

That's something kondraki could see written on Altos gravestone,

Here lies alto clef,

Leaving behind only his legacy to carry his name.

He had many enemies

But found contentment with a lover


It was going to be a sad couple years for kondraki, until he too gets terminated.

Then maybe he and alto can meet again, with more stories and jokes to tell.

Or maybe just enjoy eachothers company.

Kondraki can't help but feel like he wants to die sooner than later, not wanting to stay in a workplace under people who could order you dead any moment.

But he will live, of not for clef, than for the many other things he still needs to take care of.


Mum said it's my turn with the angst!

Anyway yeah, got some small inspiration and decided to use it well.

Have a nice day/night/afternoon/mornin!

Scp Doctor Oneshots (Mostly Bright)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें