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Short little bits of gears and iceberg throughout the months! Also if you have any requests comment them!

Iceberg had fallen asleep at his chair, the night before had been spent finishing all the work he could before he got bombarded with even more. You would think with his access level they wouldn't give him all the classified information, but he guessed it was just better fit for their convenience.

Truthfully, he had meant to at least make it back to reaserchers quarters but he was just so tired and his hand had hurt so bad. Iceberg also wondered if he would need to take medication for it in the morning so he could go about his day doing more paperwork.

When gears walked into the office, not even the creaky door woke Iceberg up, and it usually startles him even when he's awake.

Gears took note of how Iceberg shivered in his sleep, and how his hair was everywhere in his face. Icebergs scarf was used as a make-shift pillow of sorts and even then it looked uncomfortable to be hunched over at the desk.

Gears also noticed the slow breaths Iceberg took, if he hadn't been looking for so long he probably would have thought Iceberg stopped breathing completely.

Then gears realised how creepy it was to stare at someone while they were sleeping and decided to go sit at his desk.

Iceberg woke up an hour or two later, gears couldn't tell because he hadn't been paying attention.

"Oh uh, hi? Dr. Gears? What brings you here today?"

Iceberg tried to play it off like he wasn't just sleeping in his office, because he knew the lecture he would get from gears would be a long one.

"Dr. Iceberg, it would be in your best interest to go to the sleeping quarters for today. You seem exhausted and in need of sleep."

Iceberg looked away in embarrassment, "Nah its good Dr. Gears, I only just fell asleep..." Iceberg looked at the clock on the wall, he faintly recalls going to sleep somewhere around 4 in the morning and the clock said it was 7 at the moment.

Iceberg looked back at gears and stated, "Alright maybe I do need to go back to sleep. Email the director for me sweetheart?"

Iceberg didn't wait for a response, he just got up with his scarf and left out the door.

Gears was left to process what Iceberg had just said in silence, working up to the conclusion that the word of affection just slipped icebergs tired mind.

Gears did end up emailing kondraki and telling him that iceberg would not be in for the day, and that email was met with another one back with a very unprofessional 'k'.

Gears may act like he's emotionless all the time but nothing angers him more than when someone just replied with 'k' in an email or text.


Gears was a little late to work for the day.

And by little, it meant he nearly missed half the day. Iceberg got both of their work done, of course, as repayment for getting the day off to sleep and relax.

But what Iceberg wasn't expecting was gears to come into the office scratched and injured in his leg by what appeared to either be bite marks or scratch marks.

"What the hell happened to you?!"

Iceberg got up and rushed to gears, getting gears to sit in a chair in the center of the room so Iceberg could easily asses the damage.

"Had a run in with 682 and 096. It was easy enough to not look at '96 but it was still hard to get passed '82."

"Jesus you must be out of it if you aren't using proper grammar and numbering."

Iceberg shakes his head, "Not the point, where are you injured? I need to take a look so that I can fix up the wounds."

Gears just now noticed the red box Iceberg had with him, clearly it said on the back 'first aid' but gears couldn't really see all that well through the multiplied objects they should only have one of.

"-Gears! Gears! Stay with me buddy, look at me!"

Gears looked to where Iceberg was kneeling down trying to treat the wound on his leg after somehow cutting half of his pant leg off.

"What do you need iceberg?"

"Uh, keep- keep talking to me, er, tell me about something you see in the room right now."

Iceberg knew this was about to be a real pain, hydrogen peroxide really hurt, even if your really tough and all that.

Iceberg dabbed some cotton balls with the peroxide and applied it to some of the cuts in gears leg, funilly enough it only seemed to be the one leg that was scratched up.

Gear tensed at the burning sensation but didn't pay it any too much attention, he was doing as iceberg asked, and was pointing out how a lot of objects seemed to have doubles.

Then the keter alert came on the intercom, telling everyone to hide while MTF units handled the breach in containment.

Iceberg knew that the state gears was in was not preferred but at least he was still alive, for now.

But iceberg doesn't want to think about that, right now he needs to focus on wrapping the damn scratches that's seemed to never stop bleeding.

"Alright now that the major injury is done I can tend to the others."

"Ok iceberg."

~~~Time skip~~~

Gears had fallen asleep a bit ago and iceberg had just heard MTF's outside yelling commands and curses.

Iceberg was just greatful that all the doors are steal I forced with something else as well.

Iceberg was also awake to hear 096 start to screech really loudly and hear the cut off screams of some poor soul.

That sucked.

It took a while more for everything to be put in proper order again, and when iceberg deemed it safe enough, he helped gears walk to the infirmary.

The docs and nurses all looked at them funny, and then saw the state gears was in and decided to get to work redressing the wounds and scratches.

One nurse came over and told him he did a great job of wrapping the cuts on gears leg, if iceberg hadn't done that that he did gears might of lost too much blood.

But honestly in icebergs opinion, any blood from gears was too much anyway.  Iceberg guessed it was just him being am overly protective friend to gears but he also knew better.

It took a couple hours for gears to come back to the waking world but when he did iceberg was sitting in a chair right next to his temporary bed. Gears couldn't help but try to smile, iceberg would say that anything gears did to show signs of happiness was better than being so cold all the time.

It made gears feel weird to know he had someone like iceberg to care for him and keep him on track mostly.

They both complimented eachother well.


That's the end folks! It's 2 in the morning for me and I'm tired!

Have a wonderful day/night/afternoon/mornin!

And don't forget to request anything you have!

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