A Week With Your Immortal pt. 2

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"So are you ready for next week Dr. Bright?"

"Not in the slightest, but if I can fool myself then I can fool a crowd."

Glass and bright were holding one of their weekly meetings, as per the request of the 05 council because apparently they deemed bright unstable.

"That's not good thinking mentality bright, try to think positively!"

"Alright then, I'll give it a try. Oh look, all my coworkers are going to see a week into my life, I hope they don't abandon me as soon as they see how much of a reck I am!"

Bright made his voice higher pitched to better fit his example of sarcasm to glass, but Simon wasn't having any of it.

"Listen, I can assure you, they aren't going to abandon you. I mean look at clef, he has three fucking eyes and everyone just seems to gloss over that!"

"You still haven't gotten over that, have you?"

"Fucking no bright, and I never will!"

Bright chuckled to himself and looked at the watch on his wrist.

"Oh would you look at that, it's 4:46 in the morning, you should head to bed glassy."

"I'll go to bed when I'm dead."

Glass used his arms as a pillow to rest his head on as bright stood up to turn off the lights.

"Sure you will, see you later Glass. Wake up in like 4 hours to eat something ok?"

"Not everyone can magically tell the time from their dreams bright, now go away I'm sleeping."

Bright turned off the lights and closed glass' office door, as he turned around he looked at a very tired looking iceberg.

"What the heck are you doing awake? I thought you would of had a decent sleep schedule out of all of us here!"

Bright quietly whispered, to make sure he doesn't bother Glass in his office.

Man they should really start using their quarters more often, bright thinks there's dust starting to collect from how rarely he sleeps there.

"I wake up at 4:45, what the fuck are you doing awake?"

Bright nervously chuckled and gave a shy smile to iceberg.

"I uh, don't really sleep much?"

That was partly true, bright really didn't sleep much. But the reason why he didnt sleep much was because of recurring nightmares and just nightmares in general.

It sucked because bright now fears going to sleep, even taking naps is a bit sketchy for bright.

"Alright fine, your off the hook for now because I'm too tired to deal with this crap. Make sure you go to sleep sometime soon."

Iceberg walked away and bright stood there for a few moments in silence.

In all of brights years of working in this one site, he has never seen or ran into iceberg at 4 in the morning.

It was probably better not to run into iceberg anyway, bright just had bad luck today is all.

At least that's what bright thought.

Bright quickly made it to his office and shut the door quietly, he may be insane and heartless but he's not an asshole who disrupts people sleeping.

It's happened way to many times to bright for him to wish it upon even his greatest enemies.

That was a lie, he has once before stated he wanted a few gaurds to have a warm pillow on both sides and loud neighbors to keep them up all night.

Scp Doctor Oneshots (Mostly Bright)Where stories live. Discover now