Gearsberg One shot

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Hi, you might see little one off chapters like this from time to time in my book, I hope that isn't to much of an inconvenience! Well, let's see what you think shall we?


2 times iceberg fell in love with gears, and one time gears loved him back.


Iceberg stared at the pile of paperwork on his desk, hoping if he stared long enough it would go away and he wouldn't have to read through it. Then his mind started to wonder, each thought vastly different than the last until he started focusing on gears, his boss.

Iceberg had gotten to know gears a lot throughout the years and he soon developed feeling for his boss.

"Are you ok doctor iceberg?"

That got icebergs attention real quick. Mostly because it was his boss and partly because it was his boss.

Gears was sitting at the desk across from his, filling out paperwork as well, but his was almost done while iceberg still had a lot of pages to go.

"Yes of course gears, why do you ask?"

Iceberg felt his face heat up, which almost seemed impossible to him because he was always freezing. But that always seemed to change when gears was around, making iceberg feel love sick and helplessly crushing on him.

"You've been staring at your work for a while unmoving, I just wanted to see if you were fine."

Iceberg couldn't have fallen more for gears in that moment.

'He wanted to make sure I was ok, how do I cope with this?'

"My heads been in the clouds more recently, nothing to worry about doc."

Gears made a mumbling sound, probably groaning at iceberg because he called him 'doc' which he absolutely disliked.

Iceberg chuckled a bit before actually going back to working on the stack of papers on his desk, he would definitely have to sort out his crush or else it might interfere with work.


Iceberg walked into the lounging area and sat next to Dr. Kondraki and clef.

He found that they both loved to antagonize the other with any given chance, but that also went for others as well.

So he usually had to keep a lot of things to himself, never slipping up on anything for fear they would make fun if him for it.

That was, until he said he had a crush on gears, which would be fine with every other reasurcher except them. The last people iceberg wanted to know were also the first.

There were a lot of threats from iceberg to the other two, swearing them to secrecy or else they would die a very slow death at his hands. They took the warning carefully but still teased him about it so they could get their kicks out, but nothing else other than that.

"So how's our famous lover boy doing huh? Confess your undying love to gears yet or are you still waiting?"

Clef, as usual, was the first to start their witty banter that would end in them laughing or crying, or sometimes both because of how stupid they seem to become around eachother.

"I'm not gonna confess anytime soon so your shit outa luck buddy."

Kondraki chuckled and looked over to where gears was getting coffee.

Scp Doctor Oneshots (Mostly Bright)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora