Glass' reflexes are wack

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It isn't easy to scare glass, having seen clinicaly insane people, people with all sorts of disorders, you get it.

But when someone does catch glass off gaurd, they usually have to visit the med bay afterwards.

An example of this would be poor, unsuspecting clef, who thought it would be a good idea to try and spook glass and try to make him afraid.

The result ended with clef having a broken nose and a fractured wrist, and glass panicking that he hurt clef and going into a spiral.

Another thing about glass, if he thinks he's done something wrong to someone or something he will go into a panic mode or have a breakdown because he's so sorry he hurt them. Several instances have led to bright trying to calm him down and getting shot at.

Now glass usually keeps a level mind and these things only happen when he least expects them too, so he just adapted to always check behind his back or check around the corners to see if anyone's there. Glass can now tell who is walking down the corridor by the sound of their footsteps, no matter how faint they may be.

Kondraki has also seen this side of glass before, he was actually the one who caused it this time. It started off with kondraki sneaking up on glass some how and tapping his shoulder. Glass pulled out his gun and almost pulled the trigger on konny until he realised who it was.

Glass then had a breakdown brcause kondraki had almost died at his hands and if that ever happened he would never forgive himself.

Kondraki didn't know how to comfort glass but tried too and almost got shot again, and that led to glass throwing his gun at the wall. It effectively cracked the wall a bit and broke the gun.

Kondraki took that as his cue to leave and get bright, because when in doubt, get the immortal to deal with it, they can't die anyway.

Bright eventually got glass to calm down and told him to take the day off.

The 05 had been told of these little instances and started making glass go to a therapist as well as forcing him to take at least one day off from work each week. It might have sounded a bit excessive but glass was the foundations best counselor and they couldn't afford him to be replaced with someone else.


This is a headcannin of mine so yeah-

Also request if you have anything!

Have a great day/night/afternoon/mornin!

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