Chapter 2 - ''Nate Kennedy, open this door.''

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The entire ride had been dead silence, Aunt Judy not able to glance towards her nephew, thoughts spiralling out of control in her mind that she rolled down her window, feeling as if she was suffocating inside the car. As for Nate, he leaned his elbow against his car door, unsure what to even say. Aunt Judy's fingers had not stopped tapping the steering wheel sporadically and she hadn't yet even looked at him, as if she was disgusted by him. He was unsure why the air had suddenly gotten gloomy and awkward, which was why eventually, it became way too unbearable for him to stay quiet.

"Why does it feel like your mad at me?" Nate sighed, glancing quickly towards Aunt Judy.

Judy's grip tightened around the steering wheel, veins forming at the top of her hand. It was strange—one minute she appeared nervous, but Joe she only seemed angry with him, narrowing her eyes and scoffing when she glanced his direction.

She hadn't answered yet and it was way too long of a minute for Nate to keep waiting for one. "Why are you—"

"You fucked up, Nate." She shook her head, exhaling a long sigh as she made a tough turn, hitting the curb since her attention was barely on the road. "You messed up bad."

He raised an eyebrow, sending trembling fingers through his hair. "What do you mean?"

"Do you know who the fuck that was?" she hissed, glancing everywhere as if she could be heard any second of the day. It was clear she was on guard, but Nate hadn't realized it was this serious to cause Aunt Judy to barely be able to breathe and speak. She felt as if her lungs were growing heavier by the second, unable to inhale as much air as before and she leaned her face out of the window for a moment.

"Of course I have no idea who that was—"

"That was Dante."

Nate snorted. "So?" He shrugged his shoulders when he saw her eyes widen. "Who the fuck is Dante?"

"Dante Hercules," she sighed, her grip tightening around the wheel. "Even his name sounds dangerous. No one really knows what his family does. There are so many rumours about them," she explained, shaking her head as she realized how severe the mistake had been. "I personally think his parents are apart of the mafia. Others say that they used to be assassins, foreign spies. Some even say his father moved from Japan and had been affiliated with the Yakuza."

Nate inhaled a sharp breath and when Aunt Judy heard that, she nodded her head, understand what he must be feeling. His gut seemed to be twisting, now realizing why the blond had scars across his face, or why there was such dark aura surrounded Dante when he stepped down from the car.

"What I do know is that they make people disappear. They're involved everywhere—politics, legal system, they scare judges, they even infiltrated the police. They are everywhere. And the worse is that their family is huge—each of them make fifteen to twenty kids to maintain their large impact everywhere." She send quivering fingers through her hair. "I know Dante has almost thirty cousins here." There was sweet forming on the corner of her forehead. "I don't even want to think of the number of them in surrounding cities or even overseas."

"How did I never hear about them before?"

Aunt Judy shook her head. "You won't hear about them—it's word to mouth. Nobody really knows what they do and they're really good at keeping it within their circle. Regardless, anyone that rats them out ends up just...vanishing."

Nate felt as if his throat was shrinking. This sounded as if it was a horror story, and now he wished he hadn't even exited the car at all. The worse part was that he hadn't even stopped at just telling Dante to stop messing with his aunt, he even menaced to murder him.

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