Chapter 35 - Drunk

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Nate knew it would be a terrible idea to hand Eric his number when Eric asked. But he decided to go against his gut feeling and handed it to him anyway. He didn't expect Eric to blow up his phone the next morning, begging for a ride to school since he didn't feel like walking.

He hadn't even realized that part of him was still drawn to Eric's attributes and character, even if he had been trampled as if he hadn't meant anything. His memories replayed the moment Eric had called him, the night of his birthday party that Nate couldn't attend since Melle had refused to let him leave the home. She disapproved of his birthday location being at a downtown strip club, and even though his boyfriend wouldn't attend, Eric still wanted to party on his eighteenth birthday.

The slurring of words and the heavy breaths were the usual drunk manner of Eric, but he then said something that made Nate frown. "If I fuck a girl, it isn't cheating, right?"

He was so stunned that it took him a moment to respond. "Yes, it would be considered cheating."

"Who are you talking to?" The feminine voice in the background followed by giggles made Nate's chest tighten, feeling as if he couldn't breathe as much as he could a second prior.

He heard in the background. "To my boyfriend." There were a few muffled sounds and then Nate heard, "I need his permission and then we can sleep together."

"Eric!" He was in disbelief, pulling his cellphone away from his ear for a moment, feeling that his mind was playing tricks on him and that he was dreaming this entire conversation.

"Why are you screaming, Nate?"

"You're not seriously going to sleep with that girl."

He heard a scoff, as if what he had asked was the dumbest question he had ever heard. Eric had rolled his eyes, reached around the girl's waist and pulled her tighter to his chest. "It's not cheating, it's not like I'm sleeping with a dude."

Nate stayed silent for a few seconds, biting his bottom lip, shocked that he had to explain to his boyfriend that being affectionate with anyone, regardless of gender, could still be considered cheating depending on the relationship. And he had never agreed to sleeping with other people, even if they were girls.

He had to sit up from his bed, his fingers gripping his hair since he thought his mind would explode. He couldn't stop shaking, his legs needing to move and he reached for his night lamp, switching it on and standing to his feet. Already sweating in a matter of seconds, his fingers needed to grip the phone tighter since he thought it would slip from his grasp from how moist his hands felt.

The only thing Nate thought to do was divert his attention from the girl. "Maybe you had a long night already, do you want to come over and sleep here?"

"I'm drunk, I know." He seemed offended that Nate had dismissed his idea. "But I'm not stupid, I know what I'm saying—hold on a minute." Nate choked when he heard giggling in the background again. "It's just sex, that's all."

"If you want to be with a girl, why date me in the first place?"

"I love you, that's different."

"Eric, if you love me, you wouldn't do this," he whispered, his breath shaky. The only thing that worried him was that Eric would go through with this belief, since he was afraid of losing him and the betrayal he would feel. He didn't want to have to break off their relationship, but he would have to if that was what Eric decided. "Just come over, spend the night with me. I'll make you feel good."

Nate shook his head, staring at the road.

He didn't want to think of the aftermath of that day, when Eric did show up at his house with his neck covered in hickeys. Even though he had been told that his boyfriend would sleep with a girl, it had been so out of the blue and unexpected that he didn't believe it until he saw the remnants of what was left. There had even been lipsticks across Eric's cheek and his drunken self still leaned in for a kiss when he arrived to Nate's home.

Nate watched as Eric finally left his home and darted towards his car, bending downwards as he climbed inside and complaining, "Why can't you buy yourself an SUV instead of this tiny sedan?"

Nate rolled his eyes. "Good morning to you as well."

"Woah, someone's in a grumpy mood."

"Well," Nate snorted in disbelief. "Can't expect anyone to be in a good mood when they get bashed first thing in the morni—"

"Get rid of that attitude, Nate." Eric had always been the dominant blunt one, even more so when they had started dating, therefore Nate wasn't surprised when these words came out of his mouth. "We had a good conversation last night and you know I'm teasing you."

Nate glanced towards him, seeing that Eric's eyes had narrowed slightly and scoffed. "Don't bash my car when you don't have one."

"Touché, asshole," Eric chuckled, shaking his head. He lived a minute away from the school, about five minutes if he walked which wasn't a far distance at all. "How d'you sleep?" A loud yawn escaped Nate's lips, which made Eric burst into laughter. "I'm guessing not well?"

He had barely slept.

His mind kept racing with thoughts of what he would tell Dante about Eric, and if Dante would be upset if he found out that he had lied when he said it was the stress that bothered him yesterday. Regardless, he wouldn't take it back since the kiss they shared had been different, an emotion that bonded them together and he was certain Dante felt it too since he continued to kiss him throughout their time together. Even before he left and Nate was laying down on his bed, he leaned in and slowly pressed his lips on Nate's, only letting their lips touch for a long moment, Nate pushing his head forward, not wanting Dante to separate away from him.

The time they had shared had been way too magical that Nate wasn't even sure of how he felt anymore. At first, he was doing this to protect his aunt and himself, letting the anger control him while he pleasurably tormented Dante. But now, he rather touch his delicately or kiss him until all their bones melted into one another's.

But that was not the only reason why he barely slept; he couldn't stop returning to Eric either. He wasn't sure where this was going, but he wasn't oppose to it either. However, something didn't make sense from their coincidental reunion; Eric hadn't spoken to him since their breakup, but all of a sudden, after a couple months, he had no resistance against apologizing and being friends again. As much as Nate wasn't to distance himself, part of him really did enjoy having Eric back into his world—and that was where the confusion boggled his mind and kept him up.

"I'll get some sleep during lunch."

After their arrival to school, Nate instantly spotted Tyler and Jules standing by the front entrance, where all the other students gathered as well, waiting for the bell signalling the commencement of classes. They both turned to eye him, Tyler's brows furrowing when she saw Eric walking beside him.

"Guys, this is Eric." He pointed to his two friends. "Eric that's Jules and Tyler."

During their greeting, Nate noticed something odd with Jules.

He was stiff, appearing to be uneasy as he forced a smile and shook Eric's extended palm. Even Eric barely looked at him, focusing his gaze on Tyler who also appeared to be struggling to even greet him. Although he found their demeanour to be strange, he brushed it off as morning tiredness, hearing the bell ring and they all headed inside.

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