Chapter 71 - Confused

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Reno swallowed hard, glancing elsewhere. "We don't have him."

"No no," he raised his eyebrows, taking a sip from his glass before adding, "now that just makes it more suspicious because that's not what I asked. And using counter psychology, it must mean that you do have him. Right? So..."

He continued his walk to Tyler and tilted his head. "Where's your lover, Tessa?" When Tyler looked elsewhere as well, he reached for her chin and pulled it back. "There must be a reason why you're against them, why you were desperate to come here today. Did they do something to my son?"

When Tyler didn't answer, he shrugged his shoulders and continued onto Bronsted. "Where's my son?" When Bronsted didn't answer, he headed on to the stage where Raphael had been trying to resuscitate Molly and Dante still held Nate in his arms, stuck in his mind that he wasn't even realizing what was happening around him.

"I'm assuming he won't be able to tell know," he laughed, "because he's dead." When Raphael didn't pay attention to him, he stepped closer. "Would you stop that for one second so I can ask you a question—?"

"Fuck your son."

All their eyes widened when they heard that voice from the stage. Raphael had been staring at Molly's unnatural skin, still attempting to find a pulse. That was when they realized it hadn't been Raphael who said that.

Dante laid Nate to the side, removing his own jacket before placing it over him, as if it was a blanket. He had finally been able to escape the gloom from his mind, only when he heard Wolf questioning Raphael. And seeing the scene that had occurred, and the death of his younger brother, there was no way he would sit back without a fight.

He stood to his feet, his broadened shoulders in towards Wolf, feeling a sudden outburst of heating rage directed at him. It was almost as if all the nerves in his body had sparked a flame, and he could sense it through tingles on his skin. With all his brothers on the ground and Raphael paying attention to Molly, Dante knew he was the only one that could get them out of this.

He needed to attend to Nate, but for now, his family came first.

Wolf had his eyes narrowed again, no longer singing to the tunes. His nose was wrinkled in genuine annoyance, and he folded his arms, repeatedly tapping his heel against the ground. "I don't like being spoken to that way."

"I'm speaking to you that way." Dante stepped off the stage, and when one of his body guards attempted to reach for Dante, Wolf raised his hand, halting him. He finally felt as if he was getting somewhere, talking to someone at equal caliber as him. "You don't scare any of us Wolf. And you're too late. We already dealt with your son, and your not too far down the list."

Dante's family were all tall, a unnatural genetic trait from their father, but strangely enough, Wolf was tall as well. They were both at eye level, glaring at one another with such hate that the surrounding air practically got warmer.

Keeping his eyes locked on Dante, Wolf took a sip from his glass. He then inhaled a sharp breath and paused for a moment. "What do you mean you dealt with him?"

"You came for us first, Cesar." Dante threw his hands up in the air. "We've been at peace for years. Now all of a sudden, you infiltrate Eric into the school, kidnap Nate, torture him for answers, all to just locate our base—"

"What are you on about?" he interrupted him harshly, his bottom lip curling. He glanced around the room before returning his eyes on Dante. "I don't care about you all, I never cared about where your base was located." He snorted when he added, "Hell, I'd rather not know so I don't have to deal with you maniacs."

That caused all of them to frown.

Reno spoke next. "You used Eric to get to Draco through Nate and Dante."

"I have no business with Draco. And who's Nate?"

All of them were confused, glancing at one another. Even Dante's anger was not as boiling hot as it was a second ago. "Then why did you send Eric?"

Wolf snorted, mirroring their confused look. "I didn't send Eric...send Eric to do what exactly?"

Even though Wolf no longer had the earpiece in his ear, it was sensitive enough to pick up on their voices. The moment Draco heard this, he turned to Eric who swallowed hard and lifted his arms. "I-I...I can explain..."

"Who said I sent Eric?"

Bronsted responded, "Eric did."

"And to do what?" Wolf asked.

Reno answered, "Locate our base."

Wolf raised an eyebrow, exhaling a sigh. "Eric is from another city. He's been messing up over there and my team hated him. Instead of killing him, I had him moved to prove to me he's worth being alive." He waved his hand dismissively. "He came to me with promises to be better, said he has something in the works planned and he wanted to be my second hand man." Wolf laughed again. "You all know I don't have a second hand man but I was enjoying this little charades and told him to prove it then."

There was a pause.

"All of a sudden, I hear that he kidnapped a civilian, a random high school one at that!" Wolf continued. "And he decided to use my base and my men!" He pointed to the floor, motioning to the club. "So I told him to figure out what he was doing in three days or else I'd kill them both because I had enough of his games." After a short pause, he shrugged his shoulders and took a sip of his drink. "Then my son disappeared and I always know where my son is—"

"You made Eric torture Nate!" Dante shouted.

"I didn't make Eric do anything! I don't even know who Nate is!" Wolf waved his hand around the room.

"So you didn't want to know where our base was?" Reno asked.

Wolf laughed as he shouted, "I already know where your base is! I just don't have business with you Hercules!" After a snicker, he shrugged his shoulders and added, "I could have showed up at your base and ask about Jules, but I didn't because that would've been a blood battle and I don't need to be losing my men at this moment."

He pointed to their sister. "I used Tyler to get here, guessing that you would all be here too, so that I could interrogate you guys about him because he's been missing for too long." He stepped closer to Dante and tilted his head. This time, the way his jaw tightened, as if his patience was diminishing by every second, Dante knew that Wolf was going to explode when they reveal what happened to Jules. "Tell me where is my son."

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