Chapter 68 - So who do you think will die?

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The crowd began to cheer as they watched two men in suits and masks drag Nate by the shackles squeezing his neck. It was clear he couldn't even walk, as he continued to slowly push himself forward by his knees, his shallow breaths evidence that he was too weak. The only thing he had on were bloodied ripped up joggers that he had been wearing the day he was kidnapped, but the people didn't seem to care about his appearance.

Besides, for all the civilians, this was simply an act, a performance.

He was naked from the waist up, and all of them, including Lucius, inhaled sharply when they saw the gruesome bruises, slashes and scabbing wounds on his entire body. They had even ripped the flesh of a tattoo he had. None of them had ever been tortured to the extent of Nate, who was now not only missing an eye, but an had his left arm dismembered at the shoulder.

Dante placed a palm over his mouth.

Nate was heaving, collapsing onto his chest on the cold stage in an attempt to rest. He wished he could pass out, but it was almost as if his body was telling him that if he fell asleep for one second, that he would never wake. It had been a while since he had dozed off, his own way of resisting what he had gone through. He couldn't even tell what day it was or how long he had been there. Even worst, he couldn't even tell to what extent his injuries were since at some point, all his nerves simply went numb.

"Get up, prisoner!" Before he could even react to the order, a kick was slammed into his sides to ribs that had already been broken.

The only thing Nate could do was gasp for air, but he forced his body to move, pulling his upper body upwards and sitting on his knees.

One of his captors gripped him by the jaw, lifting his head for the entire crowd to see the busted lips that were predicted to do most of the work for this act. The captor leaned closer, grunting as he pushed his hips into Nate's face, to which shouts and cheers began to echo.

Dante couldn't bare any more of this sight and began walking forward.

"Dante, stand down. You can't blow our cover," Lucius hissed through their earpiece.

Dante stopped for a moment. "So we're going to sit here and watch him have to go through this?"

"Yes," Reno agreed with Lucius. They had all three descended from the V.I.P rooms when they announced Nathan's name. "If we all get caught, surrounded by Wolf's guys, we're all dead." All of them were watching Nate on stage, unsure what the next move was to be; this had been unpredicted and even Eric had no clue what to do next.

"Then I'd rather be dead," Dante growled as he continued to slowly push through the people in front of him, getting closer to the stage. His mind was no longer thinking rationally and all he was seeing was red. He hadn't expected Nathan to be in this state and wanted to murder everybody that was in this building watching this act.

Nathan had been a random innocent high school guy that he had forced into this world. The trauma he had faced from this; he would never be the same again.

"This had to have been done on purpose," Molly murmured into his earpiece, glancing around the room and seeing more of Wolf's man then there was a second ago. He swallowed hard, sweat forming at the corner of his forehead. "Eric said they rarely use that stage, what are the chances that they use it the day we show up? And the prisoner is Nate?"

"They're trying to lure us out," Raphael sighed, clenching his fists. They were too far to stop Dante from jumping on that stage. "Dante, they're all armed, we're all going to get killed."

"Then be lured out!" Draco's voice that shouted through the earpiece seemed to cause all their nerves to quake. "We're stronger than them, let's show them that we're not a family to be messed with!"

"We'll die Dad!"

"Then fucking die Bronsted," he retorted without a second to breathe. "But we're not backing down from them, even if it is a trap!"

"We're surrounded. This isn't a trap," Molly's breath was shaky as he whispered, "this is an execution."

"Fuck," Raphael began to step forward as well, squeezing through the people who's eyes were glinting in Nate's direction. "I guess we all have to risk our lives for this kid."

"I don't care what you all have to say." Dante's tone had grown dark, as if the evil persona that he often hid, was finally returning. "That's my person and I got him into this. I can't let him be like this any longer," he hissed before shoving through the last person standing between him and the stage.

"This guy doesn't mean a thing to me and I have to get myself killed because Dad says so?" Reno complained, rolling his eyes and preparing his fingers on his weapon.

Tyler's eyes widened. "Don't tell me you all plan to raid that stage." When neither of them answered her, she reached for Bronsted's collar and pulled him closer. "Are you all fucking crazy?" she screamed through a whisper. "You're endangering me too!"

"Oh, so now you're asking for help?" Reno snorted.

"Shoot her now, Moreno."

"Dante is a step away from the stage and you're all bickering," Lucius snapped, eyeing the room to see which ones took notice of Dante's approach. "We're probably not going to survive and this isn't the last thing I want to hear."

"We're not making it out," Molly mumbled.

"Alright, now..." The captor, who hadn't yet noticed the storm approaching the stage, reached for his zipper and motioned for Nate to come closer. "Pull it down with your teeth..." He didn't realize that no one in the crowd cheered, because all had noticed the ominous shadows growing closer to the stage.

One second, he was waiting for Nate to pull his zipper down, and the next, there was a bullet that had been shot directly through his skull. The blood splattered against the wall and before the captor could realize what happened, he fell to the floor.

The second captor who was on stage instantly armed himself but it was too late, as another bullet flew straight through his forehead.

Author's Note: So who do you think will die? Because spoiler alert, there will be some deaths. Who?

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