Chapter 165 - "Can I tell you a secret?"

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Chapter 165

"Can I tell you a secret?"

The number of clouds engulfing the sky was shocking to Nate. He had never really examined the skies before, but it seemed so fascinating to him in this moment, as if it was the only thing he was supposed to focus on.

They overwhelmed the sky in a way he had never been before; it almost felt as though he never realized how much it covered the beauty of our universe. It shadowed the sun from delivering its radiance, it usually spread gloom and rain that only casted a depressive undertone in people's lives. It was odd since this sight had been available to him at any point of his life, but he had never recognized how solemn the clouds made everything appear. It was almost poetic; the things that protected them from the beaming hot and detrimental sun rays also hid the brightness that it could let them feel in their lives.

That contrast had never really been a thought in the past, but it seemed so difficult to understand in that moment. Was he supposed to love the sun or hate it? Was he supposed to enjoy the clouds cooling them with shadows or hate the darkness it created? He couldn't help but smile, wishing there was someone that could simply give him the answer.

Oddly enough, he couldn't wait for the clouds to move because he so wanted to feel the rays from the sunlight along his flesh. The longer he stared at them, the more he wanted those damn clouds to move; why did it feel at though they were stuck there?

And why was he...stuck to the ground?

"No, no, no, no..."

Dante's voice sounded so far away, as if it was trying to wake him from a peaceful engulfing sleep. He had never felt such serenity as he was drifting off which made him chuckle; he felt as though he was lying on clouds, how ironic.

"Holy shit, holy no, this isn't happening."

Dante couldn't move, staring at the overwhelming blood profusely leaking from the wound. His throat clenched on itself as he collapsed onto the ground, unable to move his fingers. It felt as if he couldn't breathe anymore, repeatedly glancing back and forth between the atrocious amount of blood and the slow blinks from Nate's eye, as if it was taking a humongous toll on him to simply blink. "This isn't happening, this is just a nightmare. I'm dreaming, I'm dreaming..." He couldn't stop himself from pinching his own skin, terribly hard that it was no surprise he began to bleed himself.

But it didn't matter how hard he tried; the sight in front of him didn't disappear.

It had definitely been the adrenaline that had gotten Nate to shoot upwards the moment Draco had shoved him aside. However, the instance the adrenaline slowly dissipated, his legs instantly gave out and he again fell in front of Dante. It felt as though Dante stood there for hours, staring at the leaking blood and Nate's exhales growing slower and slower, the colour within his eye slowly seeping away. It seemed as if, though conscious, his mind was drifting into an abyss.

", no, no. Baby, please...this can't be happening..."

The gunshot had caused damage to Draco who removed his sweater and shirt, revealing the bleeding hole in the middle of his stomach. All he did was wrap his sweater around his waist and lift his fist in the air, ignoring the fact that he was bleeding at an alarming rate, not only from his abdomen but the earlier shot through his shoulder. He was also bleeding out and if he wasn't to be hospitalized, he would most certainly die here as well.

But death had never been a fear of Draco. Some even joked that death was frightened of him from how much he had survived.

Nonetheless, he needed to get rid of them fast. That was why, without any warning, he leaped towards Dante and Nate, his hand folded into a fist. The goal was to knock Dante unconscious with one punch to the skull, and from Dante's frozen stance over Nate, he was certain that he wouldn't be able to dodge it. However, before his fist could collide across Dante's jaw, a sudden jab in his ribs made him lose his air, stumbling to the side and almost losing his balance.

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