Chapter 128 - "You don't understand, it's Eleanor."

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"He's definitely going to sleep with her."

Lucius had been lying on Nate's bed, one hand holding up a novel and another one holding the cigarette to his lips. He had been feeling much calmer this day rather than prior days, and it was definitely because Nate was around most of the time. However, it was also because he had been indulging himself into reading, a hobby that he never truly enjoyed but Raphael did all the time discreetly. If Raphael could do it for hours at a time, then there should definitely be something appealing from it, and it did help make time go by faster since he had been laying in Nate's bed doing absolutely nothing.

It was definitely a surprise when Nate walked in with a naked woman following behind him, such a shock that Lucius glanced a second time and then a third time. Then, with a smirk toying on his lips and his eyebrows raised, he grinned, "Threesome?"

It was evident that Nate was not in the mood for jokes, planting his palm on his forehead as he sat down at the edge of the bed. He explained the entire ordeal to Lucius, who didn't seem surprised at all by that lesson. "He's made us do that before," Lucius admitted, inhaling from his cigarette and rolling his eyes. "You don't have to sleep with them if you don't want to, but most of us end up doing it."

When he further explained what had occurred with Dante, Lucius laid his book down with widened eyes; he also seemed surprised the moment Eleanor's name was mentioned, which only bothered Nate even more—she was definitely meaningful in all of their lives. That was when Lucius snorted confidently, "He's definitely going to sleep with her."

Nate exhaled a sharp sigh, his fingers playing with the plastic ones from his prosthetic arm. "He might not," he breathed, but it was more so to convince himself that Dante wouldn't, but his tone wasn't as stern as it should have been. He swallowed hard, turning to Lucius for support as he repeated again, "He might not, right?"

That made Lucius chuckle, his eyes glancing towards the awkwardly standing woman who was shuffling her feet from side to side. "I want to sleep with this random woman just because she's naked and standing in front of me." After that, his gaze twisted back to Nate and added, "There's no way Dante says no to that, especially since it's Eleanor."

"He'd sleep with a girl?" Nate's nose wrinkled. "That doesn't even make any sense, Dante's gay."

"Those labels are from the outside world, it's not the same as in here." The confusion in Nate's eye made Lucius sit upwards, exhaling the last couple clouds of smoke as he tilted his head backwards. "There's not such thing as gay, bisexual, straight, lesbian or whatever—in here, there's only experimentation and pleasure. You like what you like, you don't like what you don't like, but you can pleasure yourself with anything and everything." He then shrugged his shoulders and mumbled, "Some only like toys even."

"Basically..." Nate paused for a moment, now thinking about Lucius' with another man and wondering which one would be top or bottom, and why Lucius seemed to get a bit flustered when he mentioned toys, but he rapidly shook his head, pushing those thoughts away. "Basically, you're telling me that he will sleep with Eleanor." Lucius paused for a moment; Nate had turned away from him, but the stress was evident from his fingers reaching his teeth to dig into the flailing skin and the corner of his thumb. When Lucius took too long to respond, Nate sharply twisted to face. "Yeah, that's what you meant?"

"It wouldn't be because he doesn't love you," Lucius stated firmly, squishing his cigarette on the ashtray he had placed on his bedside table. "I think that's what you're trying to get at, and that's definitely not what this is."

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