Chapter 140 - "...Birthday..."

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Author's Note: The chapters have been much longer because Wattpad only allows 200 chapters in a story and I want to have enough chapters for this entire story. Bye!

Chapter 140

"A complete disgrace and a waste of my time," Draco grumbled as he began walking towards the base. "I don't even want to watch the rest of the sparring matches. And someone pick up that useless waste over there," he hissed, nodding his head towards Eleanor who was still sleeping on the ground. "I might kick her out of being this weak, I don't know yet." Lori was the one who took initiative and decided to throw her over his shoulder and carry her back to the base.

Dante fell onto one knee, his fingers feeling the back of his head. He had stopped bleeding but man did that wound hurt, especially since all the adrenaline and endorphins were starting to resign. However, his main focus wasn't the ache he felt throughout his entire body, but the footsteps that began to follow Draco towards the base. When he glanced upwards, he saw Nate turn away from him and start following the rest of them, and he exhaled a long sigh.

He wanted this to be fixed, and maybe he had allowed the anger to get the best of him and had decided to resort to accusations, but that didn't mean he didn't want to be with Nate. That was why he breathed, "Of course I'm jealous of Lucius." That caused Nate to halt in his footsteps, but he didn't face Dante yet. Instead, he lowered his chin and squeezed his trembling fist at his side. All Dante could focus on were Nate's quivering shoulders. "You don't flinch when he touches you, as if it's second nature. You two are always together, like we used to be, and he's always in your bedroom. I try not to let it bother me, but of course it would, Nate."

"Are you trying to tell me that you kissed Eleanor because I got close with Lucius?"

The way his tone trembled made Dante's heart squeeze, and he rapidly shook his head. "That's not what I'm—"

"You're unbelievable," Nate hissed and he finally spun around to reveal his glossy eyes starting to grow a slight tint of pink. He sniffled, but held in his next one when he suddenly remembered Lucius gripping his face and ordering him not to cry. All he had been doing recently was sob whenever there was any sort of misfortune and he had enough of being this vulnerable. Thus, he widened his arm as he spat, "I haven't done anything with Lucius. He's my best friend, that's all."

Dante sighed, lowering his head. "I know."

Even though Dante effortlessly agreed with him, it wasn't enough for Nate whose voice began to rise. "And you know what? I don't care about the bullshit you said, that I'm constantly choosing other people over you. That's not true." His teeth gritted for a moment before he continued, "I was loyal to you, I asked you to stay and you didn't, do you remember that? I apologized to you and Raphael came and grabbed you before we finished our talk—I was begging you to stay with me."

"Yes, that's true," Dante agreed.

Why was Dante making it so easy? It was only causing the fury within Nate to grow even more, threatening to explode. "You used that against me to make me trust that you wouldn't do anything with Eleanor. You made me feel guilty for being upset that you were in your bedroom with a naked bitch who kept openly flirting with you." His eyebrows in disbelief, even more shocked now that he recounted what had happened. "I keep fucking trusting you, and you keep proving to me time and time again that I shouldn't."


Nate pointed a finger in his direction, not letting him speak as he shrieked, "And it is considered cheating, I don't give a fuck what you say. I don't care what technicalities you want to use, it's fucking cheating because I was waiting for you to forgive me and come back to me." Even though he was trying to stay strong, his quivering finger pointing at Dante made him almost break, hence he lowered it to his side. However, Dante noticed Nate's eyebrows coiling for a split second. "A-And..." he gulped, trying to get rid of the lump that was building in his throat; he didn't want his voice to lose its tone, " promised me that you loved me."

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