Chapter 163 - Hope

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~ Years Ago ~

Bronsted almost killed himself last night and you're part of the reason why."

They were both in the infirmary after training, and after the rest of them left and only the sixteen year old Lucius stayed behind to have his wounds tended to, that was when Reno decided to confront him. He hadn't left Bronsted's side since the bridge because he was worried he wouldn't be there if he ever felt those urges again, but there was still a rage that settled on the surface of his chest, making it feel as if his heart was pumping blood much faster than it should.

It only intensified in Lucius' presence, and he had wanted to keep his mouth shut, but in the moment, now alone with Lucius, he couldn't hold his tongue. Lucius was waiting for Sarah to return, hence he was seated on one of the spare hospital beds. Even after realizing what Reno had said to him, there was no change of emotion across his face. It was evident he didn't care, which only infuriated Reno even more.

"You always pick on him and you make him feel worthless," Reno growled, pointing a finger in his direction. "You and dad do it all the time and I have enough! I'm not going to lose him because you can't stop being so fucking angry all the time."

"You have no idea what I'm going through," Lucius snapped, his eyes narrowed. Reno thought he was going to say more, but he didn't.

His hands bawled into fists as he shouted, "We all have to go through dad's training, not just you!"

He was surprised when he saw Lucius snicker, as if the disbelief was too great for him to even reason with it. "You have no idea what dad's training really is." He stormed to his feet, his shoulders broadened as he started stepping closer to Reno. "You've gone through nothing, and the fact that you—"

"Does this have to do with the baby I heard crying two nights ago?" Reno noticed the way Lucius' suddenly became paralyzed. It was as if his world had completely stopped and the memories were vividly flashing through his eyes over and over again in milliseconds. "Ever since then, the colour of your eyes changed to red which is fucking weird, you've been so much more angry and taking it out on anyone, especially Bron."

"Moreno, I swear to you..." Lucius had lowered his head, planting his palm onto his forehead and he snarled menacingly, "...if you don't leave right now, I will kill you."

"And I swear to you, Lucius," Reno was going against ever fibre in his body begging him to leave before Lucius acted on his threats, "if anything happens to Bronsted because of you, then I will kill you." Lucius was taken aback, blinking in shock, uncertain if the person standing in front of him was truly his younger brother. "If you can't handle Draco's training, then don't fucking do it and maybe he won't—"

"She was my daughter."

That was a shock to Reno; when had Lucius gotten someone pregnant?

None of them knew that Lucius even had gotten a woman pregnant. It wasn't as if he had wanted to, but it was one of Draco's peculiar training sessions where he forced them to release tension by being intimate with a partner. He hadn't mentioned it to anyone though, partially because Draco had forced him to keep this under-wraps, but also because he wasn't very close with any of them. However, this entire ordeal had been eating him alive, the guilt ripping apart his flesh from the insides that he couldn't stop his lips from moving; he had to tell somebody, anybody.

"Alicia gave birth to her two months ago, but they've both been kept in the prisoner's dungeon since Draco didn't want anyone to find out."

Lucius' eyes had blanked, staring into space. Instinctively, Reno's fists loosened and his face softened; he had never seen his oldest brother this way. He appeared completely lost, his eyes in a daze as his fingers nervously began to scratch at one another. The problem with Lucius' nervousness though was that he unfortunately wounded himself, hence Reno tried not to react as he saw Lucius mindlessly scratch the back of his bleeding hand with already enough scabs and cuts that needed healing.

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