Chapter 25 - We should talk, Dante

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At first, he was starstruck, in disbelief that Nate was really a couple feet away from him. But then, it was as if all his memories began to replay in his mind, the ones where he felt weak and spineless, begging this fool to at least realize that what they had done meant something to him. Doing something so unmanly had sliced his ego in half, which was why his teeth gritted for a moment, his eyebrows lowering before he turned away from them, his attention returned to the man before him. "Anyhow, where were we?"

Raphael nudged Nate, seeing Dante seconds from starting a making session again. "Say something!" he screamed through a whisper, seeing Nate swallowed hard for a moment as he thought of something that would catch his attention.

After a few deep breaths, he asked uneasily, "We should talk, Dante."

They both saw Dante flinch at that, pausing during his kiss and slowly pull away from his partner, his eyes violently shifting to Nate who felt his palms became moist with sweat. It was no question that he had yet to be forgiven but he had never seen Dante this way which meant he had no idea how he would react. Dante gently moved the man aside, his shoulders broadened as he stepped towards them, his menacing eyes so cold and murderous that Nate yelped, taking a step towards Raphael as if he would protect him if anything went south.

Dante leaned in towards Nate, raising one eyebrow while his hands rested on his hips. Without turning away, Dante growled menacingly, "Who brought him here?"

It took a few seconds for Nate to realize he was addressing Raphael, who shrugged his shoulders and glanced elsewhere. "Not sure, but maybe you should talk to him."

"It's not a phase Ralphy," he snapped, straightening his spine and finally shifting his gaze to his companion. "I told you that I'm fine; you keep ruining my nights—"

"Talk to him," Raphael insisted, tilting his head to the side as he watched Dante's gaze cool for a second while their eyes met. "See where it gets you. If nowhere, then you can go back to making out with..." he pointed towards the man who still stood alone in the corner, "...whoever that random is."

"This random man?" Dante snickered maliciously, reaching for the man and pulling on his collar to approach, as if he was his servant that he could throw left and right without any repercussion. The man almost dropped his drink, but began to blush when Dante wrapped an arm around his shoulders, brandishing him to the others. He seemed a bit flustered as he noticed Raphael and Nate's eyes both examining him, not impressed by his looks, both almost seeming disgusted.

"This man's name is Chris," Dante said with pride, squeezing this guy's shoulder as he noticed both of their eyebrows furrow. "He replaced you, Nate!" Nate felt another sting through his chest, as if he was pierced with a needle. The long grin along Dante's lips made it even worse. But Nate was taken aback by his own emotions; why was he upset that he was replaced? That meant he would be free of Dante, no more needing to be on alert that he could show up any moment or not having to answer calls if he was ever to be on a date again. "That means I can kill you and your aunt now."

Oh, he had forgotten about that part as well; that had been apart of their deal.

Raphael couldn't help but chuckle when the smile on Chris' face instantly fell, a horrified gaze replacing it—he had no idea who they were.

"Then kill me." Both their eyes widened in shock when they heard what Nate had said nonchalantly, without any fear at all, even taking a step closer towards Dante. He sent him a challenging glare. "You always have a gun on you, right? Pull it out right now and shoot me, you'll have half of it done so might as well."

Dante seemed hesitant, not budging at all with a blank face. Even Raphael didn't know what to say, not even sure how Dante would react.

"What's wrong? Are you scared?" Nate raised his eyebrows after a scoff. "Big bad Dante can't even kill me, someone he met a week ago? I guess you're not as tough as you make yourself seem." He noticed Dante's teeth grit. "Oh, maybe you're scared Chris here won't be able to tease you with a knife long enough so that you'd c—"

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