Chapter 32 - Did Something Happen?

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Nate's hands were quivering while he attempted to undo Dante's buttoned up long sleeve.

The room was dark, the light from outside blocked by Nate's thick curtains, and they stood in the middle of the room, Dante's tall stance hovering over Nate, his eyes examining each of his movements and noticing that although he was present, his mind was not there. They had never done it in his bedroom, but Nate was the one to offer having it there today, to which Dante was not one to refuse a nicer landing for his back. However, what he didn't know was that Nate asked for a complete different reason. All he could think about throughout the entire day was Eric.

Everything returned his mind to him;  Eric had bought him his navy duvet for his birthday, or the fluffy pillows, both to which he still used since they had been unrealistically expensive for pillows and a blanket. Even a lot of the clothes he wore daily were belongings Eric had bought him; he was very materialistic that he provided gifts practically every other day. Sadly, Nate had come to terms that these stuff were now his stuff when Eric left, and saw them as his own. However, having Eric communicate with him again shuffled his mind in being reminded of him whenever he even glanced at these things.

That was why, as he began unbuttoning Dante's shirt, his mind replayed a memory of him unzipping Eric's sweater after one of their dates, and he completely forgot Dante was standing in front of him, waiting.

Before he could even reach halfway, his fingers stopped when Dante leaned forward and asked, in a deep tone. "Did something happen?"

It startled Nate, who inhaled a sharp breath and glanced upwards, but couldn't stop himself from glancing a second time before their gazes locked. Dante's jaw had clenched and his eyes were terribly narrowed, a look filled with a sudden anger that frightened Nate. He wasn't sure whether he should mention Eric; it wasn't as if anything serious had happened between them. Besides, Dante was not his boyfriend or really his friend; was it something he had to share with him?

Nate cleared his throat, returning his gaze on the buttons and exhaled a long shaky breath. There was no way he could admit to Dante that his ex-boyfriend was back in town.

"I don't feel good today."

"Hmmm..." Dante's eyes were still narrowed, but that was it. There was no other response; his eyes merely watched Nate continue to unbutton his shirt, but his fingers began quivering again.

Nate tried to keep his mind on Dante, he really did. But it was strenuously difficult that eventually, he never finished to unbutton his shirt, letting his hands fall to each of his sides and lowering his head. "I'm sorry, I don't...I don't know, I feel hot and—"

"It's alright." Nate's head shot upwards when he heard Dante's softened tone, surprised that that was his response. Their gazes, Nate shocked by the sudden care in Dante's eyes that he had rarely seen before. The only other time he had seen it was when they had their conversation after Andrew had left from his apartment. When Nate saw Dante's hands reach forward, he didn't flinch, letting him grasp his waist protectively and pull him slightly forward. "Do you feel sick, do you have a headache?"

"No, no..." Nate couldn't deny that his entire body suddenly felt warm from Dante's touch. It was almost as if he felt a sudden spark at his hormones, feeling them beginning to race through his bloodstream the tighter that Dante held him. "I-I'm just...maybe stress? I don't know."

Dante slowly nodded his head, sending his fingers through his own hair before he offered, "What about switching places for today?" When Nate's eyes widened, obviously thinking about the way he treated Dante and not entirely loving that happening on him. Dante chuckled. "I meant that I make you feel good today. Would you be alright with that?"

His breath fell caught in his throat and he heard his heart skip a beat. All of a sudden, his entire mind simply fell quiet. He could no longer hear any of his thoughts, neither could he even see any of his memories any longer. Completely focused on Dante, the way his eyes repeatedly shifted between lust and care, made his stomach twirl with tingles, remembering the last time how Dante had made him feel.

Nothing left his lips, his voice suddenly feeling strained and instead of a response, simply nodded his head, which Dante took has consent to reach forward and completely wrap his arm around Nate's waist. Nate could barely breathe, his throat clenching as Dante's strength lifted him from his feet and landed him delicately on his bed.

When Dante saw Nate attempt to remove his belt buckle, he stopped him and shook his head. "No," he growled, biting his bottom lip as he climbed over Nate. "Let me take care of that."

He could see Nate's eyes illuminated with a lustful stare, observing each and every movement of Dante as he laid his knees at either sides of waist. The first thing he did was let Nate's mind wander with all the different thoughts and feelings Dante would put him through, purposely unbuttoning his own shirt slowly, lifting it over his head for Nate to see each line of his muscles shuffled with every of his movements, before throwing it to the side and leaning forward.

When he felt Nate's fingers grip the side of his face, he reached for his wrists and pinned them down, biting his bottom lip as he examined each line on Nate's lips. "Just relax," he breathed, finally lowering his head enough for his warm breath to linger on the top of Nate's lips. Nate had to resist the urge to push his neck forward and connect them. He thought Dante would kiss him, but instead he tilted his head to the side and pressed his lips onto the edge of his jaw, hands still pinned while letting his tongue twirl and dance on the warm thin flesh of Nate's neck.

He pulled his hands away from his, started to play with the hem of his shirt and Nate took that as a sign to raise his arms and let Dante pull the shirt from over his head. The moment Nate's body was exposed, he saw the hunger overwhelm Dante's gaze, a wolf finally finding his prey to devour. The feeling of chaotic lust but want had flooded Nate's entire muscles that he could no longer resist keeping his hands to his sides. Instead, he did something that neither of them would have expected.

He forcefully grabbed Dante's jaw with both hands, gripping as tightly as he could, instantly feeling a resistance from Dante as he frowned. "I told you to—" before Dante could finish his sentence, he was interrupted by a set of lips pressed on his. Nate's kiss immediately deepened, his tongue demanding entrance before his lips even connected, and the moment that happened, Dante felt his entire body melt in a way he had never felt before, not even with his first love.

The way Nate made him feel through that kiss, a make out that made his body crave more, practically beg for more as he reached an arm around Nate's waist and pulled him to sit up. Their tongues danced in harmony, a puzzle piece that had finally found one another, as if it was two souls that had been separated and finally recognized one another.

The only time they had kissed before was in the truck, but this feeling they both felt in their hearts, was one they knew they would never feel with any other. That was the day the feelings had gone way too far and neither could turn back from them, not anymore.

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