Chapter 17 - Say My Name

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"Get in the damn truck."

"You better get your nasty hands off from me."

Dante was taken aback by the rage in Nate's tone. Nate was attempting to stop Dante from pushing him on the backseats but failing ridiculously when one of his members helped shove him inside. The door slammed shut and when Nate tried prying it open, he realized child's lock was on and he was stuck inside. Dante got in from the other side, closing the door and sitting as far away as Nate as possible. He wasn't in any mood for any of his desires but felt much more comfortable that Nate was with him instead of with a random stranger that was begging him to stay connected, which should have been a red flag from the jump.

His friends and himself had been wandering around downtown, jumping from bar to bar until they entered Locco's, all of them already drunk by the time they reached it. The moment Dante stepped inside and saw Nate's face smudged against another guy, he looked the other way since he felt his stomach begin to twirl. But the feeling never left, enhanced even when he saw that stranger leaning his head on Nate's shoulder, both of them almost cuddled at the corner of the bar counter.

He tried to ignore it, he really did, but not when he heard Nate ask for to kiss him. It irked him way too much that it was instinctive to pull him away from that man. But he didn't expect Nate to reach this way, as if it was the worst possible thing he could have ever done.

Raphael was the driver, starting the motor and lighting the end of a cigarette before he drifted off onto the road. They had no idea where they were headed, and it wasn't helping that Nate was pouting, his arms folded over his chest as he pressed himself against the door, as far away from Dante as possible.

There were a few minutes of silence, until Dante's drunken mind could not withstand this animosity, as if he was suddenly a terrible guy for pulling him away from that stranger. "He could have been a murderer for all you know."

Nate's eyebrows raised incredulously, widening his eyes in shock that those words would even leave his mouth. "You're a fucking murderer."

Dante rolled his eyes. "But I would never hurt you."

"You threatened to kill me and my aunt!"

"Why are you being so difficult right now?" Dante snapped, furrowing his brows. "I told you I'd come get you whenever I needed pleasure."

Nate's jaw stiffened. "You don't need pleasure, you were just jealous."

That made Dante chuckle, shaking his head. "Stop getting ahead of yourself; why the fuck would I be j—"

"You're jealous," Nate spat, facing him and seeing the grey irises glaring back at him. Oddly enough, the only thing he did was glare back. "And that's that."

Dante exhaled a sharp threatening breath. "You better stop fucking saying that."

Raphael had never seen anyone speak to Dante this way and he couldn't tear his eyes away from the rear view mirror, seeing their frowning faces glaring at one another, almost feeling the adrenaline as they battled with words. He was fully indulged in this argument that he had been continuing in a straight direction on a road he had no idea where it lead to; he wasn't even paying attention to his route.

Nate leaned in towards Dante's face, his shoulders broadening as well. "Or what?" he retorted challengingly, wanting to see what Dante would possibly do. "What are you going to do to me, huh?!"

"We can take this outside if you really want to see how I'll—"

"Neither of you are exiting this vehicle," Raphael spoke sternly, staring at the both of them before returning his eyes partially on the road for merely a second.

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