Chapter 8 - Boss!

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Nate knew they would approach him sometime during the day, but he thought it would be inside the school's building; he was hoping it would be since he could either get help from a teacher. They did cross him during lunch, sending him death glares as they walked past him, but none of them landed a hand on him. It was clear that it was merely an intimidation tactic, which Tyler agreed as she tapped Nate's shoulder to regain his attention.

"They won't do anything to you in school," she assured, picking at the carrots in her container. She glanced towards them, seeing the group of girls that also followed them and sat at their table.

Jake was seen talking to many of them at the same time, a few of them giggling as if he had said the funniest joke they had ever heard in their lives. It was clear all they wanted was his attention and Nate couldn't blame them—Jake was very attractive. His blond curls bound lusciously, as if each of them had a life of its own. His smoky navy irises seemed dark and mysterious, an intriguing sight that captivated the attention of all these women once they met his gaze.

His rounded jaw made him appear charming, with dimples that squeezed his cheeks whenever he smiled. The fact that he was a football player was hot in itself, the body of an athlete always one many wanted to explore. Which was potentially why Nate couldn't stop glancing in his direction as well; although he had ridiculed Jake in front of the class, he still found him extremely handsome and wouldn't mind getting with him once or twice.

Nate returned his attention to his meal, twirling his fork around his salad. "I figured as much." They spent the entire lunch chatting away about random topics, both of them learning more about one another with every conversation. Nate spoke about his parents, explaining to Tyler why he had to switch schools.

After his father retired, they decided they wanted to live overseas and one day, booked one way tickets to a random country. They refused to let Nate tag along with them, adamant that he had to finish school. However, since they were afraid of having him be all alone, they moved him all the way to Dyson City. He still had his own apartment, but Aunt Judy lived right around the corner from his home. As his mother had said, she would, "keep an eye on all his delinquencies."

"They haven't called in three days," he revealed, Tyler noticing the way his lips curled downwards for a split second. "To be fair, I haven't called them either."

"At least your parents are still in the picture." Tyler tilted her head with a saddened smile. "Both my parents have been in and out of my life so I live with my grandmother and don't speak to them at all. The last time they talked to me was to wish my happy birthday four years ago."

He glanced towards her for a second, noticing that her jaw tightened for a moment before she leaned into her meal for another bite. Shrugging his shoulders, he decided to comfort her even though he barely even knew her. "Life isn't fair but the fact that you're here is an accomplishment in itself. You should be proud." He noticed her eyes begin to blink rapidly for a second, brightening ever so slightly, crossing her face like a flash before she returned her attention to her meal.

She cleared her throat, dismissing his assuring words. "Don't talk to me like that, I'm not a kid."

Nate rolled his eyes. "You remind me too much of my aunt."

He hadn't seen Tyler for the rest of the day, to which he was pretty bummed. She had been his companion for the morning that he thought maybe they would cross paths during the afternoon, but not even when he passed by a few lockers towards the exit doors.

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