Chapter 124 - Lucius & Nate V

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"The family they asked to become a host family was Raphael's biological family."

Lucius inhaled a sharp breath, his hands covering his mouth. Raphael had never spoken about his background, rarely even mentioned having a family or siblings, but it was real—he did have a family and they had all been killed.

"Raphael was already sixteen and left when he heard that his parents had accepted Marias deal. Lori, along with twenty other kids, were sent to live with that family soon after. Then, years later, that host family was killed, along with all the children there."

The tension in the room had grown, enough to make Nate feel as if he couldn't breathe anymore. He didn't dare to look towards Lucius since he wasn't sure which expression he would see on his face. If it was anything that suggested a mental breakdown, Nate knew he would escape this room before Lucius would go rampant. Hence, in hopes to prevent scaring himself, he didn't glance in his direction. But Blue did meet the burgundy gaze of Lucius, and the expression on his face was enough to tell Nate that he had done a good thing not to look at Lucius.

"It's a lie." Lucius had been stuck in place, but hearing Nate's words returned him to reality. Nate's eye sharpened even more as he attempted to find any reason across Blue's face to suggest he was in fact lying, but there was no evidence. "It has to be a lie. Raphael and Lucius recently worked under Wolf for nine months—Raphael would have never agreed to that if he knew Wolf had killed his family."

"Raphael didn't know; he never found out who killed his family. He never found out that it was Wolf all along," Blue coughed. "Wolf's plan was to have Draco kill Lori. Then, he would reveal the entirety to Raphael, convince Raphael that Draco was the one that killed his entire family and killed Lori to finish the job. And then, order Raphael to infiltrate the Hercules base and assassinate Draco."

Nate wanted this to be a lie, but all of Blue's statements aligned and made sense; there was no way he would have been able to decipher such an elaborate lie on the fly. But there was one more question that stuck in his mind. "Where does Lucius come into play?"

"Lucius' fighting skills are surreal and we all know that. Wolf saw the way Lucius was fond of Raphael. Lucius had located Wolf's base, infiltrated it and had almost been killed, all to save Raphael. So Wolf decided to take that to his advantage as well, knowing that Lucius would have backed up Raphael with anything he wanted to do. His plan was to manipulate Raphael, Lucius would have followed, and then make them both act undercover for him, return to Draco's base amicably and kill Draco while he least expected it."

All of it did make sense, and even though Lucius lunged forward and swung his elbow across Blue's jawline, he knew he was telling the full truth.

This had been their plan, to use Raphael's past and manipulate them to kill Draco. And they had been right; if Raphael had wanted to murder Draco, Lucius would have definitely helped. That was why Lucius couldn't stop himself from slamming another jab with his knuckles directly on Blue's nose, hearing a crack after the connect. They knew more about him than he wanted them to, and they knew more about Raphael than he ever did. The betrayal, the rage from almost being used, and the grief still present within the pits of his stomach, made him unable to stop.

This was what Nate had been attempting to avoid, but it was too late—Lucius was completely seeing red. Nate flinched and turned away when Lucius jabbed the blade directly through Blue's abdomen, pulling it out right away to let the blood pour from his body in an alarming rate. This sort of torturing was not what he had wanted to witness, hence he left the prison cell and waited beside it, leaning his back against the nearby wall and listening to the grunts and cries of Blue as Lucius continued to unleash his pain.

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