Chapter 100 - "Judith wasn't a whore."

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Neither of them moved a muscle. Jules stayed still only because Nate did as well, and it wasn't until Nate whispered, "He can't see us if we don't move," that Jules realized what he was doing and still didn't budge.

Dante stomped his feet towards them, snatching the bottle of liquor from Jules' grip and examining it for a moment, seeing the other empty one nearby. There were many things Nate did to enrage him, but this was beyond fury. He was resisting the urge to simply engage Nate into a fight, wanting to beat him up terribly bad that all he could do next was listen. There was no logic in running away all alone, especially after what had happened with Wolf's side a day ago. It was dangerous and thoughtless, and as much as Dante loved Nate, it would've been easier if there wasn't a Nate to have to monitor.

And at this moment, there was no point in trying to reason with him since, "You're drunk." He settled the bottle on the living room table before folding his arms, narrowing his eyes at both of them who still hadn't moved an inch. "You're both drunk. This is no time for childish games, I can see you both and we have to go, Nate."

"Hm..." Nate placed both palms behind his head and smirked, staring at the furious Dante. Dante's gritted teeth made his jaw tighten every other second, which only made Nate nudge drunken Jules before whispering, "I told you he'd come."

"I really thought you'd be wrong," Jules murmured under his breath for only Nate to hear. "Hopefully I can leave without him seeing me."

That made Nate giggle as he leaned forward to grab the bottle Dante left on the table. "I'll distract him for you."

"You both think this is hilarious?" Dante was beyond livid, snatching the bottle again before Nate could grab it. He had only laid his hands on Nate a few times, and those times were all because Nate had punched him first. However, this was the first time he was the one who initiated the tussle, suddenly reaching for the collar of Nate's sweater and aggressively pulling him from the couch, lifting him to his feet. They were in a middle of a wreck, trying to figure out what to do with Lori, having a torture wheel threatened on them, and Reno exploding on Draco had been the icing on the cake. And here was Nate, seated in his apartment, drunk out of his mind. His patience had reached his limits, and he shoved Nate against the wall, pining him.

His eyes narrowed sharply. "Do you fucking realize how much danger we're in?" Nate rolled his eyes, which only made Dante grip him tighter. "We were ambushed by Wolf's guys last night, and you think it's fine to leave on your own?"

If Nate hadn't been drunk, his answer would've definitely been different. However, his mind wasn't able to take any of this seriously; Dante wasn't any threat to him. That was why he sneered, "Aren't I the one supposed to do this to you?" That made Dante's grip instantly loosen, in shock that Nate would ridicule him for that. "Choke you until you pass out so you can cum?"

They all heard Jules inhale a sharp breath, which made Nate burst out into a series of cackles. As for Dante, he had never been humiliated in such a way, that comment making him feel as if he was being tortured. After all he had withstand with Nate, this was that one comment that broke the camel's back and as much as he didn't want to say it, he couldn't take it anymore. "We're done."

At first, Nate took it as a comedy, shoving the weakened grasp of Dante away with a growing smile on his face. Since his mind was barely able to equalize itself, his shove made him stumble forward, his face heading for the floor. He knew Dante was going to catch him last second, he always saved him at the very last moment. Such a surprise when he landed forehead first on the wooden floor, feeling his mind turn into a blur for a couple seconds before he was finally able to regain his focus.

Dante didn't catch him.

Even worst, Dante was already grabbing the handle of the door to leave the apartment. "I'm leaving," he spat nastily and pointed towards Jules as he added, "and unless I'm seeing a ghost, you're coming with me." Jules nervously glanced around the room. "Yeah, I didn't forget about you. I'm dealing with you when we get back to the base."

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