Chapter 167 - "You know that I"ll always be in love with you, right Lucy?"

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Author's Note: I hope this chapter makes you all feel a bit better from the earlier sad ones, hehe...

Chapter 167

Their embrace lasted for a while, before Lucius suddenly remembered all he had been told after Raphael's passing, which prompted him to feel an overwhelming rage in the pits of his stomach. He planted both his palms on Raphael's chest, shoving him backwards as he began to wipe the tears across his cheeks; he shouldn't feel anything because Raphael never truly loved him. "Get away from me, you lied to me," he spat, narrowing his eyes towards Raphael.

Surprisingly, that only made Raphael giggle. "It feels so good to be able to touch you," he beamed, the smile staying on his face as he examined Lucius, "and to talk to you. You're as handsome as ever, baby."

Lucius felt himself choke, his eyebrows coiling upwards for a second. However, Blue's face returned into his mind, and he remembered how he had the muzzle of a pistol against his own skull because he believed Raphael never loved him. He almost killed himself for trusting Raphael, and that was why he raised his hand, looking away from him. "Don't act all friendly with me, you know what you did." When Raphael's eyebrow raised confusingly, he snapped, "All you did was use me."

"I didn't use you," Raphael chuckled, taking a step closer, "I love you...I love you so much, Lucy—"

"Stay back!" Lucius raised a hand towards Raphael, stopping him from approaching any closer. However, there was no menacing aura in his demeanour, rather mere pain, not wanting to trust him again because he was afraid of the pain he felt when he believed Raphael didn't really love him. "You lied to me the whole time we were together."

Raphael kept a grin, shaking his head. "I never lied to you."

"You never told me you were apart of the Marias troop."

"Because I didn't associate with them," Raphael replied sternly, shrugging his shoulders. "That's why you think I don't love you? Because I didn't tell you that my family got involved with the wrong troop and all got killed?" Lucius' eyes quivered but he kept his lips sealed. "What about the nights we stared at the stars together for hours, that wasn't love?"


"Or cuddling in my bed while I read a novel aloud for us, to which you would always fall asleep to," Raphael recounted, his eyes squinting the more he grinned. "Or when you'd come back from a mission and we would bathe together? Or every time I helped you dye your hair even though my hands would be stained red for days. Those instances weren't love?"

Lucius felt his throat squeeze; the rage from within himself was starting to vanish.

"Our kisses, our intimacy...even our arguments, when you almost ended up killing me and I still never blamed you. Instead, I begged you to stay with me, knowing that we could be better together. It didn't matter if you almost stabbed me or almost choked me to death, I was still there." This time, when he stepped closer, Lucius didn't attempt to stop him. "Those moments weren't love?"

Although Lucius was afraid to admit it, he slowly nodded his head, burying his hands into his palms. All these moments were filled with so much love that it hurt to just think about them. With Raphael now standing in front of him, all he thought about was the sharp physical agonizing pain that shattered his heart apart when he was unable to save Raphael. He didn't want to have to go through that again, but as much as he tried for resist it, he couldn't stop himself from whispering, "I miss you so fucking much, Ralphy." His voice cracked as he added, "So much that it hurts..."

Raphael beamed, stepping close enough for Lucius to feel his presence. "I miss you too, baby. But I've always been there, I never left you." He reached for Lucius' fingers, gently tugging at them until he was able to detach them, stopping them from covering his face. "All you need to remember is that I'm always there, right in here." Lucius watched as Raphael pressed a finger onto Lucius' chest, right above his heart.

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