Chapter 28 - I'll Be Civil

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"Are you lying to me?"

Nate glanced towards Tyler who seemed to be sweating as well by how much her forehead glistened. They had agreed to have a conversation with Jules during their lunch hour, but they didn't expect him to be this hostile with them.

Especially not Tyler since they had been best friends for over a decade, Dante even acknowledging Jules and refusing to kill him because of his friendship with her. But the way he stared at the both of them, with his teeth gritted and the sharpest glare she had ever seen on a person, it was clear that he was not here to be friendly.

"I said," he stepped closer menacingly, "are you lying to me—"

"Of course I'm not!" Tyler shouted, the breeze caring her voice.  They had been friends for numerous years that she would never dare to betray him and she thought he already knew that. "He's not exactly on Dante's team, he's just there to please him when Dante needs some time."

"That doesn't sound believable."

"Have I ever lied to you before?" Tyler stepped closer to him, waving her arms. Nate had been standing nearby, but kept his distance from Jules since every time their gazes met, he seemed second from lunging towards him and breaking his neck. "I wouldn't put you in danger like that—"

"Remember when we were dating and you lied to me saying that your brother was alright with us when he wasn't?"

Tyler exhaled a short sigh, her lips sealing for a moment before shrugging her shoulders. "That was different—I wanted us to be happy—"

"You asked me if you had ever lied, you have." Jules wasn't budging whatsoever, still repeatedly narrowing his eyes at Nate and causing him to take a slight step backwards every time. "I keep trusting you and you continuously betray me."

"Then don't be friends with me, alright?!" Tyler had enough; she had done nothing but be there for him, had even gotten Dante's men to stop tracking Jules since he was her friend. Yes she hadn't been perfect but she had tried to be, at least for him since he mattered to her more than he even realized. But this animosity he created, a destructive tension, was not what she had expected and wanted anymore. "If you don't trust me and you feel like I've betrayed you so fucking much, then stay away from me then!"

Nate felt his heart crack when he heard her voice starting to crumble as she held back tears. It was evident that Jules mattered to her, and he felt guilty for being the one to toughen up their lengthy friendship. He noticed Tyler's shoulders starting to quivering as she added, "We can go our fucking separate ways, but I'm not going to beg you to trust me. I've been nothing but a good fucking friend to you!"

"You've never been a good friend to me, Tyler." He pointed to Nate and spat, "If you had been a good friend, you would've told me about Nate before I—"

"You know what?! Fuck you, Julian!" She snapped, waving her hand dismissively as she began wiping the small tears that had managed to escape her sockets. "And the worse part is that you cheated on me and I was still able to forgive you and be there for you."

Instantly, Jules lips clenched shut, his jaw tightened as he saw Tyler slide her palm across her face, getting rid of any tears that made her appear vulnerable. He had messed up their relationship, and it had been one of the biggest regrets in his life, one that Tyler had admitted that she would never be able to overlook. That was why they had stopped dating, but their friendship had gotten stronger ever since.

Nate saw the way Jules entire face softened, as if he realized how much he had messed up and how much she had done for him even after he had.

He swallowed hard. "We promised each other never to mention that again." He paused for a moment, glancing hesitantly towards Nate before hissing quietly, "You said you were over that."

"Of course I'm not over that," she snapped, shrugging her shoulders. "But I'm still there for you even after you messed up. I know I'm wrong for not telling you about Nate earlier and I'm sorry, but we both made mistakes." She pointed her finger towards him and through gritted teeth, hissed, "So don't act as if I'm such a bad friend when you were not only a bad friend too but a terrible boyfriend and I was able to fucking forgive you."

Jules rolled his eyes, exhaling a short scoff. "So you're going to keep mentioning that whenever we have an argument and you're in the wrong?"

"Whatever dude," Tyler waved her hand dismissively, having recovered her composure. "I'm over this—if you don't want me in your life anymore then that's fine."

"Of course I want you in my life, Ty. You know I love you," he whispered quietly, not wanting Nate to hear him say that. "I'm just a little mad at you, but I'll get over it. We get past everything together."

She folded her arms. "You pointed a gun at me."

Jules sighed. "I wasn't thinking straight and you know Dante scares me, but I'm sorry, okay?" He glanced towards Nate who looked away before they could make eye contact and leaned in closer towards Tyler. "I don't trust him yet but I'll be civil."

"That's all I can ask for."

They both fell quiet for a second, glancing away from one another, but when Jules heard Tyler sniffle, he instinctively reached forward, grabbing her shoulder and pulling her tight against his chest. "I didn't mean to make you cry."

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