Chapter 75 - We Are No Longer Brothers

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"You're going to get yourself killed Lucius, think this through for a second."

"You're not going to find him this way, we have no idea where they went."

"I was pinned down. Even if I hadn't been, what could I have done? Dad would have beat the fuck out of me too!"

Dante had just left his father's meeting and was headed to visit Nate when his focus diverted to the echoing voices of his brothers in a middle of an argument. It was near the entrance of the base, to which he made his way only to find Lucius with a black parka and a backpack tightened on him. Their eyes diverted to the approaching footsteps for a moment, to which Lucius rolled his eyes when he realized it was Dante. Reno and Bronsted were both standing by the entrance, a barrier attempting to halt Lucius from crossing them.

"What's going on?" Dante asked, stepping closer to them and noticing the concern through Reno and Bronsted's face.

Reno was the one to speak. "Lucius wants to go find Raphael."

"And we're telling him it's not a good idea," Bronsted added, glancing frightfully towards Lucius who narrowed his eyes at them but kept his palms in the pockets of his parka.

Dante swallowed hard, his mind replaying the moments before they had taken Raphael.

Lucius hadn't seemed fazed by the debate between keeping him or making him leave with Wolf. Hence, Wolf's eyes had departed from his bored ones and shifted around the room, until it settled on the stage where Raphael continued to listen for Molly's heartbeat, attempting to find a pulse. He watched the desperation through his regard, not a chance that he would give up unless someone forced him to do so.

That sort of emotion had potential. If he was manipulated enough, he could use that raw emotion to turn him onto their side. "Give me the blondie then," Wolf demanded, pointing to the stage.

When Draco's eyes landed on Raphael, there was no hesitation. He even snorted and shrugged his shoulders. "Fine by me."

"What?" Dante raised an eyebrow, glancing to the stage to a Raphael who wasn't even paying attention, rather still trying to bring Molly back to life. "No, he's not taking Raphael."

"Raphael's a nice name," Wolf chuckled for a second as he wiped tears from his cheeks.

"He's a loyal soldier," Draco added. "You can make use of him."

"No." Both their attentions returned to Lucius who had stood to his feet, his eyes narrowed towards his father before meeting Wolf's gaze. "Take me instead, not him."

Both of them were ignored, Wolf waving his hand for his troopers to approach Raphael. Raphael didn't resist, simply let himself be pulled for Molly's corpse. The instance the Hercules' brother saw their hands firmly grip Raphael, that was when they began to panic.

"Get your filthy hands off him," Lucius snarled.

Dante hissed, "Don't touch him."

Both of them simultaneously lunged forward to reach Raphael and protect him, but were instantly stopped by the brute strength of their father who gripped them by the back of the head and shoved their faces onto the ground. Knowing they were going to resist, he kept his palm on their head as it smothered them to the floor, and although they were strong themselves, they were no match for Draco. Wolf's men clamped each side of Raphael before dragging him towards the back exit.

Lucius continued to attempt to loosen himself from his father's grasp, staring at the gloomy Raphael with no emotions on his face as he was being pulled away. "Raphael, don't let them take you!" Oddly enough, Raphael didn't resist at all either. It was almost as if he accepted this to be his fate; he didn't even look up to them which was angering Lucius even more. "Do something Ralphy! You can fight them off!"

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