Chapter 112 - "You're grieving."

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"What did you dream about today?" Lucius glanced towards him to see if it had been a trick question, but when Raphael's face didn't budge and his eyes maintained their focus on the lines within the novel that had been entrapped in his mind, it felt as if his brain had frozen, unable to understand why that question had been so bizarre—it was almost as if he lagged. When Raphael didn't hear a response from him, he raised an eyebrow and saw the confused expression on Lucius' face. "What's the matter?"

"People don't talk about that," he stated, but it sounded much more like a question. "People don't care about that."

"Well," Raphael grinned, adoring the way Lucius seemed nervous by any sort of affection or anything remotely sentimental, "when people fall in love, these pointless conversations start to have a lot of meaning."

Lucius reached for Raphael's blond curls, mindlessly twirling his fingers around a strand. One thing Raphael had noticed from Lucius was that he was bizarrely touchy when he was comfortable. He would randomly pull Raphael's strands away from his face, or if no one was paying attention, he would reach for the back of Raphael's shirt. However, it intensified when they were alone, Lucius always reaching for Raphael if he wasn't doing anything. Thus, Raphael noticing his hair being played with, was no longer a shock.

"People that are in love talk about dreams?"

He nodded his head giddily. "Yes, they do." When he saw a flicker of light glint in Lucius' eyes, a warmth swarmed his chest. "Did you dream last night?"

Lucius was still hesitant. "And you care about my dreams?"

That made Raphael slowly close the book he was reading and shuffle in the bed, getting closer to Lucius and placing his head on his chest, his arm laying across Lucius' torso. Lucius always felt his heart start pounding when Raphael touched him, and he forced an exhale, calming down the hormones rushing throughout his blood. "I love you," he cooed and Lucius' heart skipped a beat. "So yes, I would love to hear about your dream."

"Where is Raphael?"

"Lucius, you need to calm down—!" He reached for her neck and slammed her against the wall, her head bashed against the hard surface making her fall unconscious instantly. He was bleeding across his arms since he had tore apart all the syringes that were helping him. The other nurses had escaped before he could get to them, but he wasn't done yet. Lucius pulled open the infirmary door, still feeling groggy from having been unconscious for that long, but he had one duty in mind.

"Lucius?" Lucius didn't say anything, stepping forward at the chained Raphael. He had been locked in a room in Wolf's location as they waited until he cooperated. The moment Lucius approached him, he pulled Raphael's shirt upwards, checking for any sign of injury, even poking a few spots to elicit any reaction that showed pain from Raphael—there were none.

"I came looking for you." It had been after Raphael was taken during their rescue of Nate and Lucius wasn't able to stay still inside the base. The worry was eating him alive and he knew he had to do something before his mind fell into insanity. He had been able to breach Wolf's entry, killed a few of his men before he was restrained. However, Wolf ordered for him to be captured alive. When he was brought to Wolf, the only options he had were to work for him, but only if he was able to convince Raphael to do so as well. The other option that Lucius would never allow, was for them both to be killed without any mercy. "You were easier to find than I thought."

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