Chapter 89 - You Can Call Me Blue

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Author's Note: Thank you for 1M reads! I started thinking book on a whim idea and I've loved the comments and support. By the way, I read every single comment and I love opinions on characters and theories of what will happen. Anyhow, this is going to be the last chapter I post for a little while. By the way, this story has a lot of chapters to go, so you're here for a long ride. :)

"No incidents, no fights, no attention. You keep your eyes low, chin down and you do not make any sort of scenes. I cannot have my plan being ruined, especially when we're so close to being ready."

Unfortunately, it had not been well understood.

For the others, maybe, but especially not for Reno who squealed as he entered the bar and began buying shots for anyone that approached him to the point that he had drawn attention to him. Even worst for Lori who had already found a third girl to make-out with at the corner of the bar. As for Bronsted, he had been avoiding Nate's gaze the entire night and whenever they were near one another, Bronsted made it a point to shift away from him, either putting Reno in-between them or completely distancing himself from their pack.

Nate was only bothered because he was being ignored as if he had done something, but it wasn't his fault he couldn't reciprocate those feelings. Besides, walking around with a prosthetic arm hidden under a long sleeve and needing to wear an eye patch over one of his eye was still an aspect of his life had to get used to; he didn't have time to deal with feelings and relationships. However, it had been a while since he was given the chance to drink and that was why he was also at the counter, throwing any cash he had to the bartender and begging for more drinks.

Dante knew he was tipsy when Nate pulled him in with a beaming smile and pointed to the six shots of tequila lined on the counter. His smile was way too long, as if he reverted back to the old Nate who partied with Judith as if they had extra lives. It had been a while since Nate even gave him the least welcoming attention, and feeling his touch on his wrist as he gripped him was enough to cause his hormones to rush through his entire body.

It was strange how infatuated he was of Nate.

"We're both taking three shots each," he told Dante, who instantly shook his head. Immediately, the sulking expression that shifted Nate's face made it evident that he was starting to lean a little more towards the drunk end. "Why not?

"You're drunk," Dante wrapped an arm around his shoulders and leaned towards his neck; to his surprise, Nate didn't pull away. Instead, Nate leaned in as well, their chests practically touching as he lifted his chin to hear Dante better. Although Dante felt his heart lift towards his throat, his breathing starting to increase, he maintained his hormones under control. "One of us needs to stay sober and I've been drinking all night as well."

"Come on, it's only three shots. When's the last time we've had fun like this?" When Dante slightly pulled away, he saw the way Nate lifted the inner corners of his eyebrows and pushed out his bottom lip, tilting his head for the side as if he was the cutest puppy on earth. "Please?" Dante gulped, quickly turning away since his cheeks started growing red. But Nate—especially drunk Nate—didn't hesitate to point that out. "Don't tell me you're blushing?"

"Shut up," Dante snapped sharply in a whisper, quickly reaching for one of the shots of tequila. "I'll take them with you, hurry up."

"You love me that much, huh?"

"S-Stop..." Dante inhaled a sharp breath, feeling his body begin to throb at the simple fact that Nate was this close to him without resisting or causing any sort of fight. "Stop teasing me." He lifted the shot and motioned for Nate to take his own, and eventually they both tilted their heads back and took the first one. It wasn't long until they took the next two without any chaser, but Nate had drank enough that he no longer felt the alcohol stinging his throat.

That tequila shot didn't settle well in Dante's stomach, hence he gripped the hem of Nate's shirt and said, "Come to the bathroom with me?"

"I'll wait for you right here, I want to take a couple more shots." When Nate noticed the way Dante's eyebrows shifted, causing his forehead to wrinkle, he gently shoved him away. "I'm not going anywhere, I promise."

When Dante disappeared, Nate grinned at the bartender and ordered more shots. It did sadden him that Judy wasn't with him. He was even reminded of the time with Tyler. Strangely enough, it hadn't even been a year yet, but he felt as if he had grown exponentially ever since. He didn't even feel as if he was the same age anymore. As he reached for the shots, he reminded himself to see this as a new beginning; maybe the old Nate was never supposed to exist.

Before he could take his next shot, he felt a sudden hand on his shoulder, which made him pause. However, his eyes instantly narrowed when he didn't recognize the gaze staring at him.

The man instantly realized his mistake and smiled apologetically. "Sorry; is this stool taken?"

Nate frowned, glancing towards all the other empty ones along the counter. However, after the stunt Dante had pulled today regarding Bronsted, he wanted to have a little bit of fun and see what Dante would do when he returned from the bathroom. Hence, a long smile lengthened his lips. "It is not actually."

"Is there a reason you're taking shots on your own?"

"Well..." That cause Nate to glance around since he hadn't really been checking up on his small pack. Lori had found another girl to make-out with, Reno a bit further down the counter with a couple people he had just met and as for Bronsted, Nate saw him seated at a table but not by himself; with a woman. By the way she was leaning in and her finger slid across his chest, she was definitely flirting. "They're all over the place," Nate laughed, returning his attention to the guy. "What about you? Where are your friends?"

"They're about to be here, Nathan."

At first, Nate laughed. However, his blood instantly quickened when he realized once again that he had never seen this stranger before and there was no reason for him to know his name. Oddly enough, that simple line made Nate feel sober in a split second. He finally took the moment to scrutinize this guy's features and that was when he realized that this guy was definitely bad news. "Don't worry, you're not who we're after."

From all the fighting Nate had been trained to do, his eyes instantly fell into the cold ones that had murdered two people already, ready to add more names to that list. "How do you know me?"

"I've heard about you. Matter of fact," the man leaned in with a smile, "we've all heard about you." He extended his palm. "Nice to meet you though, you can call me Blue."

Suddenly, they both heard the sound of a gunshot. One instant, Nate was facing the bar, speaking to this guy. The next, he had a bullet hole through his prosthetic arm.

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