Chapter 154 - "My sons will kill you."

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"I'm infertile."

"You became infertile after Chantal died." Cesar still appeared confused and unable to believe that fact, shaking his head as he attempted to align the timeline of how in the world he could have two sons. However, all Draco was stating made sense; he was secretively sleeping with Judith behind Chantal's back, and none others were supposed to know about that. Not even Draco, who stood in front of him with gritted teeth that didn't harmonize with the quivering eyes; he tried to hide the hurt behind his gaze but it was visible. "You kept using Chantal to manipulate me, but all along, I didn't mean anything to you since you were sleeping with multiple people."

Cesar raised his hand, stepping backwards as he lowered his sight. His mind was rushing with uncontrollable thoughts, too intense that he could practically hear them screaming in his head. "Please, let me think for a moment."

"I have enough of your thinking, Cesar," Draco exhaled through a deep growl, his teeth gritting as he reached for the bottle of liquor on the bed. Anytime he dealt with Cesar, there was always passionate intimacy followed by burning fury, and resisting the urge to merely snap his neck was practically unbearable. This had been the essence of their relationship for years; it had always been him begging to be heard and listened, while Cesar never seemed to take him seriously enough. "All I was to you was an experiment." He twisted open the fourth bottle of liquor and tilted his head backwards, gulping as much as he could before his throat stopped him. "You never loved me. You loved the attention and devotion I had for you, but you were never able to choose me."

Cesar hadn't been listening to him. "I almost allowed my own son to be killed." Cesar's voice had been soft and quiet, barely reaching a whisper. "How could I have been this...evil?"

There had always been a soft spot for Cesar. He wasn't certain as to why, but it was only Cesar's touch that could make his entire body feel as if it was melting, Cesar's eyes that could make his legs grow shaky from nervousness, his comments that could make his cheeks grow a shade of pink from being flustered—and it was Cesar's eyes that became bulbous whenever he was on the brims of tears, that could make him feel guilty. And in this moment, he wasn't sure as to why, but when Cesar planted a palm against his own mouth and muffled a sniffle, he felt an intense sense of guilt.

Draco roared a series of curse words before downing more of the alcohol in his palm, realizing that the bottle was already close to being empty. It was ironic that he was one to preach about the doom of emotions, and here he was, standing before the white haired psychopath that held a piece of his heart, even though he didn't want him to.

"Come here," he sighed. Cesar didn't move, thinking of the last time he had seen Nathan and what he had allowed his men to do to him. He had even threatened to kill him himself if Eric didn't find a solution for him. "I said, come here."

"I-I...I ne-need to...I need to l-leave..." That was one thing Draco adored about Cesar. His emotions were always grandiose, always wanting to dance and sing and float along the wind. But he was also very sensitive and his sadness was also monumental as well, undergoing a deep depressive episode for the slightest hiccup in his world. This was why Draco immediately worried, not wanting to let him leave in this state.

The same person who had deeply wounded him was also the same person Draco went to comfort, as he forcefully reached around his shoulders and pulled him in, letting Cesar bury his face into the middle of his chest. In an instant, Cesar erupted into sobs, his entire body trembling within Draco's grasp which only made Draco grumble curses under his breath but feel guilty for having said anything that could have upset him. It wasn't fair that Cesar had this chokehold on him, but he had never been able to resist.

Eventually, when Cesar finally calmed down, Draco distanced himself. "Can we have a real conversation about what happened between us?"

Cesar planted both palms over his face, letting himself fall onto the bed. When his back was finally flat on the sheets, he spread his arms apart, Draco observing the swollen eyes stare at the decorations swirling across the ceiling. "Do you promise to have a dance with me before we leave here if I say yes?"

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