Chapter 148 - "I want to break you apart Lucius."

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Jake was startled when he woke up, uncertain where he was or what had happened before he fainted. Thankfully, he felt a touch on his abdomen and realized Sarah was examining him. There were bandages already wrapping the wounds that Lucius had caused, but nothing could calm the intense pounding headache that made him feel as though he would puke. When she noticed that he had awakened, she reached for a few pills that had been set aside and handed him a cup of water. "Pain killers," she said. "It should help with the headaches." Jake winced as he moved, but ultimately was able to swallow the pills and gulp the rest of the water. "Concussed, definitely." That made Jake roll his eyes, displeased by that conclusion. "You need to take some time off training."

"You're fucking kidding me," he exhaled, his teeth gritting tight as he thought of the burgundy haired man who caused him these injuries. This was not what he expected, especially since the fight hadn't been that long. Besides, Lucius barely had any punches in, but he remembered when he was shoved and his head had slammed against the wall.

"If you don't, it'll make it worst and you definitely won't be able to go on that mission." Another curse escaped his lips as he closed his eyes, trying not to think too hard since that felt as if it was worsening his headache. "Why did he beat you up like this?"

Jake glanced towards Sarah suspiciously; he didn't want the entire place to know about his romantic interests in Lucius. However, he did want to talk about it, hence he sighed and closed his eyes. "I told him I like him." When he heard a snort from Sarah, it also made him chuckle a bit. "Imagine being beaten up because you told someone you like them?"

Sarah giggled, removing her gloves and throwing them in the bin nearby. "I'm glad I never told him I like him."

That made Jake frown, opening his eyes enough to examine the pink that began to overflow her cheeks. "You like him too?"

"Who doesn't?" she chuckled, remembering what Lori had said when they were all in the infirmary room.

It also made Jake laugh as he breathed, "You're right."

They both heard the infirmary door barge open, which was odd since it was already almost four in the morning and most troopers were asleep by then. "I'm going to see who that is." Jake watched as she disappeared past the curtains for a moment, before he heard her shriek and then the collapse of an object; it must have been her clipboard. "D-Do...Do you need assistance, Lucius?"

"I do." The stench of liquor roamed the air, practically escaping his pores as he tilted his head backwards and downed another long gulp of his liquor bottle that fed his delusions that all was making sense. "Not from you," he grumbled, gripping her by the shoulder and shoving her aside. However, he had put too much weight into the shove that he also stumbled, and the mind overwhelmed with alcohol was making it terribly hard to withhold his balance. He stumbled into the wall, and Sarah yelped, covering her lips with her mouth—the thud had been quite loud, but he soon was back onto his feet as if nothing happened. He pointed the end of his bottle at Sarah and demanded, "Leave, now."

She didn't hesitate to bolt from the infirmary, followed by the rest of the nurses that couldn't confirm they wouldn't die if they stayed. Eventually, with Lucius' chin high and his gaze intently locked with Jake, a silence engulfed them, one with such tension that Jake could feel it suffocating the air. From the way Lucius' eyelids were droopy and his glossy eyes were barely open, along with the invading smell of alcohol and booze when he approached, it was not far-fetch to guess that we was completely wasted. He hadn't drank this much in a while, but this was the only way to settle the proliferating thoughts about Raphael, and to numb the guilt that roamed his body.

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