Chapter 107 - "He can't die, not like this!"

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"I think Nate is cute, so he can't be first."

The muzzle of his pistol touched Nate's chin, forcing it upwards to lift Nate's head. Unfortunately, Nate had lost sight when his only eye had swelled from the hit he received on it. He wanted to slam his chin into the pistol, prove that he wasn't afraid, but his entire body, even his mind, felt way too weak, barely keeping himself conscious. "I haven't gotten the chance to kiss him yet."

"Raphael, you have to stay awake." The rough breathing of Raphael, who had been laying on the floor ever since their arrival, only grew worse by every second. However, Dante continued to examine his eyes, assuring that Raphael blinked to maintain his focus on the patterns of the ceiling. "How many lines are there? Count them again."

"Dante, how many times do I have to tell you to shut up?" In an instance, the pistol struck Dante across the face for the seventh time that hour, having already formed a gash across his cheek that was only opening wider with every hit. This time, the hit had been hard and he felt himself fall into a daze for a moment. The blood began to fill his mouth and he spat it onto the side, unable to control his coughs. "Besides, that gunshot to his stomach was on purpose; he won't die."

"Blue..." The hoarse breath of Raphael was barely above a whisper. Blue rolled his eyes, glancing over his shoulder to meet the droopy gaze of Raphael, stuck on the floor as he was unable to move his numbed body. He had lost way too much blood that his vision was completely blurry. "Let them go...let them..."

"We need to bring him to a hospital or else he'll die," Dante snapped, his eyes widening as he saw Raphael's eyes start rolling backwards. "He's on your side now! Why would you do this to him?"

Blue returned his attention to the three of them, strapped to chairs each side by side. Nate's head was tilted downwards, unable to lift it from how many times he had been struck across the face. Jules had been unconscious for the last twenty minutes, which had definitely been an effect from the alcohol along with the one hit to the back of the head. The only one with injuries that weren't enough to break his focus was Dante, who was feeling his body revert to his old self. His father had trained him for this type of beating, hence even with the throbbing pain, it wasn't enough to make him panic.

"I told you, Wolf asked us to get him and Lucius back to the base." Blue smirked, shrugging his shoulders. "I asked him if we could teach them a lesson and he said fine, as long as their both alive. We didn't expect to find all three of you here." The twinkles that brightened Blue's eyes made Dante glare at him. "I can't imagine his reaction when I bring back Jules, the son he thought died, and tell him the news that we killed Dante and Nate. He'd be ecstatic! I'll probably be promoted!"

"Should we inform Wolf now that all four of them were here, including his son that was presumed dead?" Roger, another member of Wolf's team, asked from behind Blue. His other partner, Hunter, nodded his head in agreement.

However, Blue disagreed, rapidly shaking his head. "No, no, no! I want to see his reaction when we get back to the base. I can't wait to—"

"It's not a taught lesson if he dies," Dante screamed, completely ignoring anything else Blue had mentioned other than Raphael. He nodded his head towards Raphael and hissed, "You need to get him help or else he will die within the next minutes. If you get me off these straps, I can stop the bleeding."

That made Blue's face drop into a scowl and he approached Dante again, furrowing his brows. "All you care about is him when your lover is sitting right beside you."

"He's my family!" Dante shrieked, noticing that Raphael's eyes were no longer opening and his breath was starting to become slower. "He can't die, not like this!"

"Nate, are you hearing this?" he sighed, planting his palms on his hips as he tilted his head to the side with a disappointed look. "He doesn't care about you. That's why you and I should be together. We'd be a great couple, don't you think?" When Nate didn't respond, Blue was seconds from slamming his pistol across his cheek when he realized that Nate was unconscious as well. That made him sneer, "How could he be out cold so easily when he went through that much torture?" He pointed to stubbed shoulder and his eyepatch before he spat, "Wouldn't you assume he'd be the last one unconscious?"

"Raphael, wake up!"

"I said shut up—!" Blue swung backwards to prepare his hit and he was moments from colliding his pistol into the cheek of Dante when he suddenly felt his entire body pause, frozen on the spot.

He only realized why he wasn't moving when he saw the fingers on his forearm holding him. However, he was too frightened to turn his head to see who it was, because the only thing he felt was a piercing gaze at the side of his face and that was enough to paralyze all his muscles. The heavy breathing sounded as if there was a ferocious lion standing next to him, ready to devour him. Before a word could even leave his lips, he felt a hit at the side of his head and he was instantly knocked unconscious; he didn't even realize that his two other members behind him had already been killed, their throats slashed without mercy.

Lucius didn't even glance to the trio that were strapped to the chairs. He ignored the shouts of Dante to free them, and instead he picked up Raphael, threw him over the shoulder and stormed out of the apartment.

The Submissive Assassin (BxB)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz